How much does it really cost to get to America for a better life? Surprisingly, a lot. The Golden Venture followed four Chinese men and their attempts to reach America as undocumented immigrants. Illegal passage to America cost each passenger the equivalent of 40,000 USD, approximately the cost of an Ivy League education. They were held in inhuman conditions, and guaranteed neither survival nor residence in America. Friends and family contributed their savings or the passengers went into heavy debt in order to pay the bill. Ironic and sad for men who need the money so much.

The documentary forces the watchers to reconsider their positions on undocumented immigrants. Should we really turn away people who have put so much effort into reaching America? The documentary takes a very sympathetic stance on immigration, legal or not. I would find it useful for the video to have explained more about the funding and measures the men took to pay for their passage to America. The video never elaborates on the men repaying their debt. I’d like to have seen more about that.