During our class mini-debate, there was an argument that illegal immigrants are largely criminals or gang members that are detrimental to society. However, the documentary really helps to develop some sympathy for these illegal immigrants. They are shown to be simple people who seek to escape government oppression and search for a better life. It’s unbelievable how much they are willing to sacrifice just to come to the United States. Not only do they have to muster up tens of thousands of dollars and leave their families behind, they’re forced in cramped, inhumane travel conditions. Additionally, it was brought up that these illegal immigrants most likely are fully aware of the problems and consequences that they have to face. They were fined heavily and one was even sterilized… The fact that these people choose to illegally immigrate just shows how desperate and hopeful they really are.


It’s truly terrible how these immigrants were treated when they arrived in America, but I was really happy to see so much support they received as well. The fact that there were people who actually grouped up outside of the prison and sang songs to raise awareness of the issue really makes me more of an optimist in nature. I hope that in the future, we fight to help assimilate immigrants into society rather than wasting our money to send them away.