I found that the exhibit was very interesting. My parents are from India, and I have visited the country twice. Viewing the exhibit gave me a nostalgic feeling of my very short time in India. Although they are not the same country, they appeared to be very similar. I assume that this was caused by the fact that they used to be the same country under British rule.  Going to the exhibit was a really great learning experience. I learned a lot about Bangladesh. Before the exhibit, I didn’t really know much about the country because I never really had any reason to look into it. I also found that the pictures brought out the pains that the people from Bangladesh believe in. I really felt that pictures of the birth of a child from a poor background was really eye opening to the over population and the current state of Bangladesh. I was also really surprised about the way in which Bangladesh’s rivers are rising. I was very skeptical to believe that the country is going disappear in due to environmental problems caused by dozens of other countries. This should definitely be a problem highlighted more by environmentalists. Hopefully we can be more aware of this and the problem will not be so imminent.