After living on campus for so long, I feel like many of us do overlook the historical significance of living in Harlem. Sure, now we often hear rumors about certain neighborhoods to avoid, but it wasn’t always like this. We first started at the Schomberg Center, which we learned was one of the first research libraries dedicated to African descent culture and contained one of the largest archives of African American works. However, one of the more overwhelming facts was hearing that when Langston Hughes first came to NYC, his prime destination visits were to this library and the YMCA down the street. It’s astounding to think that we are visiting the places that so many significant historical figures contributed to. As we stood outside and marveled over the rustic architecture, perhaps Langston Hughes and countless others were feeling the same?

Another memorable location we visited was the construction site of the former Lafayette Theater, which was the first theater to desegregate. I just couldn’t believe how all these areas with such historical and cultural significance could be torn down. That eliminates the connection we have to the great figures who contributed and fought so hard to establish that significance. So many of the former popular nightclubs and ballrooms and social centers have all been closed and all that remains are the skeletal remnants that people pass by without realizing all the stories that have happened right there in front of them. I appreciate our opportunity to walk and get a glimpse of some of these stories even though there wasn’t much to see at first glance.

It feels rather sad to see how, as Rick put it, Harlem has passed its heyday. It’s very hard to find that same spirit of a flourishing, cultural community. It’s such a shame that Harlem now brings up a negative connotation rather than the memories of a thriving birthplace for African American culture.