I found this tour to be very interesting and informative. There was a lot of material that I learned about Harlem from this tour. Honestly, I didn’t know much about the history of Harlem coming into the tour. I knew that it was mainly a black community in the past, but I never knew of the whole predicament of the landowners. I thought it started with African Americans and more came to join them. I didn’t think that there were white landowners who refused to give apartments to blacks.  This really gave me a lot of insight on how Harlem has grown as a city through the years. Today it seems to be filled with many different types of nationalities, rather than the white or black majority that was expected in the past. I felt that overall this tour could have been much better. Most of the information we learned about was about structures that no longer exist. The tour would have been more exciting if we looked at more buildings like the Apollo Theatre and the residential area. It is still standing and serving its purpose. This way when I walk by those attractions I will be able to have a better knowledge about what happens within those buildings.  This would be especially beneficial because I am dorming along with a number of students in our class. Having a better understanding of the current Harlem would be great to help navigate through the area. The information that we got out of this tour could have been done in a classroom setting, and would have the same effect.