Many immigrants come to the United States for a “better life”. Many come at high cost- financially and emotionally. The story of four Golden Venture survivors proved that many people would do anything possible for this seemingly better life. The passengers on the Golden Venture endured unimaginable pains just to come to the US; however, was it really worth it?

The documentary follows Yan Li, Arming He, Gullin Chen, and Kaiqu Zheng and their experiences during and after the Golden Venture. They all spent approximately $40,000 in an attempt to illegally enter the United States. Their travelling conditions were appalling. Approximately 300 people were cramped into the ship with everyone living merely inches away from each other. Along the way, the ship endured a hurricane, girls were raped, and the passengers feared the possibility of their imminent death. However, when they finally arrived to the United States, they were captured by the government (some fled) and detained in a federal prison for four years. For four years, they were imprisoned in a state of void- no one knew what the next hour held for them or when they were to be freed.

The immigrants paid a massive sum of money just to live in captivity in the end. Many were deported, some had an opportunity to stay, and few died along the way. What if they had put that money towards coming legally? They wouldn’t have to fear death. Leaving home for them meant a clean slate- they would leave families, homes, and government oppressions behind. They knew that imprisonment or death were very likely. Yet they risked everything just for freedom. I understand the government trying to make an example of the undocumented immigrants- no government would want to succumb to the pressure of just letting them stay legally; but four years in prison as punishment is a bit much. The US clearly made its point with the imprisonment; perhaps they should have just sent them back to China as soon as possible. They had suffered enough along the way; this just made them endure their fears all over again.

Anyone trying to immigrate to another country is bound to face difficulty, whether it is legal or not. Coming to another country without proper documents subjects the immigrant to a life of fear in the country they chose as a refuge- what if they were caught? What would the punishments be? I’m extremely grateful that I can live here freely and without worry, especially after watching this documentary. We definitely take our freedom for granted and should be thankful for the many opportunities we experience.