The most interesting part of the exhibit was the first set up that was explained to us.  The set up included two pillars with pictures on each one, facing a foggy window with an audio track playing.  What struck me most was not the message behind the art and what it meant, but the implication that art still exhibits hidden messages through visual representations and metaphors.  Most of the other parts of the exhibit were all photographs, so the message is clear.  However, for a piece of art such as the one described, requires more abstract thought and attention to detail.  Although I am not implying that the others are worse in any way, but I enjoy the analysis of art and what specific things represent, especially with the first piece in the exhibit.  The setup also adds a three dimensional aspect to the message as opposed to a two dimensional picture.  The placing of each pillar was very exact and the audio truly taps into the emotional aspect of the art.  The background information helps to understand what the artist intended to do but the work of art is still beautiful regardless.

The information from the exhibit was basically new and I never knew about these conditions in the country of Bangladesh.  It opened my eyes to more than just New York City.