I cannot say that I really liked or disliked our visit of the exhibition “Eyes of Bangladesh.” There were some positive and some negative sides of our visit. First of all I did not like the installation of phone with photos of the photographer and his mother. It required too much explanation and did not have thematic connection with the rest of the exhibition. The second, I did not like the talk that were given to us. The talk and the photos together forced me to feel pity to those people. I agree they deserve it but my pity is useless for them. It will not make any changes for them. It only makes me feel bad. It leads to my next point. If you block your emotions and start to think there is nothing wrong with lives of those people. As my parents always told me, if it is warm then life is much easer. You do not need a lot of clothes or a warm house, and you can grow food. I remember we were given a comparison, “Bangladesh is the size of the New York state and has population of 125 million people.” It is very dense populated region. But lets think. For millenniums population of the Earth was steady. After industrial revolution it went suddenly up. So it can be concluded that the surplus population of the Bangladesh is the result of better technologies. Centuries ago one third of those people would have died.

This is my reaction when I am forced to feel peaty for other people. Yes I agree they deserve it. However, what about millions of other people who are dying somewhere else? If you want to change something do something. I am actually want to be one of those monsters who want to spent millions of dollars to search water on other planets rather than spend those money to transport water to dry places on the Earth.

Moreover, I was amazed by the work those guys did to make the exhibition. I think it is fantastic and that they need to get more respect and recognition than the photographer. They were the one who wanted to make changes.

I liked the exhibition without talk because it allowed me to see a different culture and lives of different people. However, the talk made me consider those people like little kids that were given cool technologies without explanation what are the consequences of using those technologies.