First of all, I thought the tour guide was incredible and knowledgeable. My only complaint, if this counts, is the sheer amount of information being thrown at us. She was just throwing out so much information that I didn’t have time to process much of it. However, I do remember some things. The most striking part of the whole tour was the incredible lengths the tour guide would talk on a particular site. Even though I lived in New York City my whole life, I never really took the time to appreciate its extensive history. I was taught some U.S. history in school so, I wasn’t oblivious to the importance of NYC.

When we first stopped at beauty salons, I was confused. It turns out that it was a major historical landmark. The most surprising part of the tour was when we stopped at a random abandoned warehouse, or so it seemed. Of course, it turns out to be something historically noteworthy also… Almost everywhere we turned, there was some deep history to be found. Just appreciating the various locations we went to was the part that stuck with me the most. It really made me think about how much we can uncover in just our neighborhoods.