Dr. Joe Salvo’s talk on the peopling of New York was very eye opening. Being from Brooklyn, I see a lot of the facts that he pointed out first hand. I live in a very concentrated area of Orthodox Jews but a couple of blocks in one direction and you’re in a mini Chinatown, and a couple blocks in the other direction there is a very large African American Population.  One of the things that I found most interesting was the amount of people that move in and out of New York City from within the United States. The people moving into the city from within the United Sates are making up for the decrease of foreign immigration we have experienced in the past ten years. I always thought of immigration as an international phenomenon, and was amazed by the net domestic migration. People coming both domestically and internationally are coming fully educated and ready to find work. Boroughs in New York City have larger foreign born populations than entire states around the US allowing the foreign born to define the city. New York City is truly a melting pot.