Jakob Rehmann

Jakob Rehmann

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Posts by Jakob Rehmann

America, Land of the Free


Golden Venture was a very sad film. It showed the incredible struggle of the Chinese immigrants who came to the United States illegally as well the hardships they faced upon arrival. They were imprisoned immediately after arrival and kept detained out of sight for many years. The scene of the movie that struck me the most immediately followed the release of a group of the immigrants due to President Clinton pardon: the men stood together and sang “America, the land of the free” as part of the national anthem. These men came to America seeking out freedom from persecution from the Chinese government. How do they still hold on to this ideal of freedom after their freedom was snatched away from them immediately after their arrival? I applaud Clinton for releasing them, but I believe that a pardon should not have been required in the first place.

The United States’ legal system systematically takes away the freedoms of citizens and non-citizens alike without giving fair trials. The immigrants were supposed to get a date to appear in court, instead of being sent to prison. In theory, our legal system is based on “Innocent until proven guilty.” If they hadn’t been locked behind bars right away, they could have found legal aid and community support with more ease. Also, after they received their pardon, they should have been able to feel safe in America. A core tenant of our legal system is that you cannot be charged twice of the same crime, also called double jeopardy. However, after the Chinese men had built lives in the United States, they received notice of possible deportation. I realize that these rights are reserved for American citizens, but it still strikes me as odd that America is seen as a the land of the free if we handle our immigrants in such a oppressive manner.

The Consequences of Inaccurate Census Data


Mr. Salvo spoke about a public report called “The Newest New Yorkers: Characteristics of the City’s Foreign-born Population” produced by the NYC Department of City Planning (and actually co-written by Mr. Salvo himself). Mr. Salvo explained that the purpose of the report is to provide information about immigration patterns to non-profit organizations to optimize their efforts. Before the talk I didn’t realize that census data was more than just counting the population to determine the amount of representatives for each state. According to Freakonomics, economists, sociologists, political scientists use census data for diverse purposes. These researchers are granted access to a much more detailed sample of the census data. However, the Census Bureau slightly distorts data entries so that no individual can be identified but that demographical generalizations can still be made. However, due to programming errors, this effort rendered erroneous information concerning certain demographic groups (especially people over the age of 65). These inconsistencies are very concerning when considering that census data is not only vital to the structure of our constitutional republic, but also to policy makers, researchers, and non-profit strategists.


Read more at http://freakonomics.com/2010/02/02/can-you-trust-census-data/

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