Posts tagged new york city

What Once Was


It has been absolutely thrilling for me to see Harlem from a new perspective; one that I had been oblivious to for quite some time. I have been seemingly unaware of my Harlem surroundings due to my preoccupation with school.  I was then given the opportunity to remove myself from the stresses of school and just walk around in the surrounding area, and given the ability to observe the beauty and history of Harlem. I feel somewhat blessed to attend school in an area bound by such a rich culture. One of the most disturbing observations that I made was the fact that the city is not preserving the historic monuments of Harlem.  As the city paves the way for the future, they are not hesitant in tearing down the structures representing the past, which is ironic because it is the richness of Harlem’s past which has made the future of the area possible.  A very interesting fact that I learned during the walking tour was that there was initially an immense amounts of discrimination exercised in the foundation of Harlem. When Harlem was first established it would not allow minorities, specifically African-Americans, from moving into the neighborhood. Eventually, the landlords allowed minorities to move in, but they had to be affluent in order to do so, which for many was a very steep requirement. This is so ironical now, due to the fact that Harlem is now predominately inhabited by minorities. With the current gentrification of Harlem, the ethnic diversity is changing, and the story of Harlem is once again coming full circle.  It may occur again that Harlem is an area in which only the very affluent can live. Harlem should be gentrified in a way in which there exists a balance between preserving the past while making room for the future, as well as affording an equality in who could afford to live in the area.


Here we see the Harlem 5 Basketball Stadium in ruins, and soon to be demolished, despite the fact that it was an integral part of the community and the foundation of Harlem.


Here we see remnants of the original buildings of Harlem, still beautifully preserved.


Here we see what once was immense, beautiful and the embodiment of Harlem is now being demolished for the future. However, is this the future that we want, one that is ignorant and  not respectful to the past?

In the Heights


New York City is astounding. There is no other place in the world that encompasses the same amount of diversity as that within its 468 square miles. The Hudson Heights neighborhood visit exemplifies and is a testament to this wondrous quality of NYC. The impression that Hudson Heights radiates is unlike any other part of the city—one that emulates a quaint, peaceful Victorian village full of Gothic era apartment complexes, rather than a booming metropolis that never sleeps. It’s hard to imagine that this area, which is comprised of less than 50-blocks, and a 15-minute trip by public transportation from mid-town Manhattan, truly exists amidst the all too stereotypical viewpoint of New York City. The amount of history that is contained in Hudson Heights is overwhelming; the area has been subject to so many influences over the course of its relatively short life span, and all of these influences have culminated into what is currently observable.

Fort Tryon Park was an esthetically pleasing park. Although it was a rather overcast day, it would be safe to say that on a beautiful sunny day during the pinnacle of Spring, the park would be glorious. The views of the Hudson River and New Jersey on the other side were juxtaposed with the West Side Highway that ran underneath us. This juxtaposition demonstrates how much we have advanced as a city and in doing so, how much we have altered the natural beauty of the area, to make it all possible. One of the biggest losses as a result of urbanization is the loss of the natural beauty of NYC.

During the last part of our neighborhood walk we visited Dyckman Farm House. It is amazing to see how antiquated this building is and what it currently represents; for example sustenance agriculture. Again, the juxtaposition of the old with the new is incredible. Dyckman Farm house is surrounded on all sides by tall buildings, billboards, restaurants, supermarkets, and everything in between.

New York City is such a wonderful place to be because there is such immense dichotomy everywhere one looks. I have always known that this existed, but this vision was made so vividly made and so much more evident from our visit. From Chinatown to the Bronx, you never know how wonderful and diverse the city of  New York City and its inhabitants are until you experience it yourself.

A Flickering Light at the End of the Tunnel


A Crime: an action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law.

Illegal Immigration: refers to the migration of people across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country.

Hence, for all intents and purposes of this discussion, a person crossing the borders of the United States while in violation of the laws of immigration of the United States is termed an ‘illegal immigrant’ and is effectively, by definition, a criminal in the eyes of the law. 

A trek made across the mainland of China. A voyage across the oceans crammed within an inch of another’s body. The chances of survival itself are in question and yet two hundred and eighty six people made the journey – and many counted these few hundred as lucky. Is life really that horrific in China? So unbearable that familial ties (a significant one among innumerable others) must be broken in order to reach out to grasp at a ­chance of a better life? Apparently so.

The search of a better life has been a revolving theme in the foundational incentive and drive for immigration. And here there is a diversion in the documentary where the inattentive audience member’s interest often peaks for the rest of the film – these women, children and men who were crammed within an inch of each other on a rusted vessel that had no business on an ocean all recognized something that could never have come across through a spreadsheet, a data table, a graph or perhaps even entire dissertations on the subject of illegal immigration and I might go as far to say, even a case study into the life of an illegal immigrant. They realized that in order to complete living a life that had a meaning that reached up to their standards they deserved better than what they had. And they were willing to go to extreme lengths to get what they wanted, in the face of death itself, they leaped into death’s jaws and pushed their limits of survival. A few failed but none of them can say they didn’t take the leap into an abyss not knowing whether there was a light at the end of the tunnel. When the mainstream media caught hold of political representatives there was a recurring theme in newscasts – reminding the people of the United States how many took the liberties and freedom afforded to them for granted while halfway across the world people would do quite literally anything to work their entire lives to achieve a quarter of what they had by virtue of birth.

However that was the lesson to be learnt for the individual, not an entity like political organizations. There was quite a significant message that pierced the heart of the organization and operation of the bureaucratic system here in the United States. The dangers of autonomy when knowledge on how to deal with dilemmas specific to departments was scarce in that very department. It’s quite amusing to say the least. We have a utilitarian view in getting things done when it comes to transparent political actions taken by government agencies and it’s clear from the documentary that this is the case. While one side can more than easily argue that the detainment of the survivors was the right thing to do to send the right message to potential illegal immigrants another can argue that it is simply not the right way for a superpower such as ourselves to treat other human beings in that manner and that they deserve to be freed and receive protection. What the latter puts aside is that this only encourages more illegal activities to take place and is an added incentive where none else is required. It is not until these proponents are aware of how they can be affected – and in some cases affected themselves – that they come to see that. However rarely do they get to see it which perhaps in itself is a good thing for them but it doesn’t take away from the fact that someone will most definitely be affected by the presence of illegal activities and in consequence, the whole.

Therefore while spending taxpayer money to imprison/ deport the passengers of the “Golden Venture” and spending lengthy court sessions lobbying back and forth may constitute the democratic process of dealing with this issue it can be agreed on by all conflicting sides that this is certainly not the most effective methodology to find a solution to the problem. Therefore it is clear that while the documentary delves deeply into the personal lives of the passengers of the “Golden Venture” the documentary itself most importantly showcases the flaws and confusions lying in the bureaucratic functioning of federal agencies and independent government organizations.

The “New” New York Reevaluation


There seems to be a large discrepancy between what people can earn in Manhattan versus what type of housing they can afford in Manhattan. According to the Department of Labor, the average minimum wage, as of December 31, 2013, was $8.00. According to the New York Times, as of January 18, 2013, the average Manhattan apartment costs $3,973 A MONTH.  The disparity of wages to housing expenses is exorbitant. It is not seemingly possible for a person working an average amount of hours per year, which is 2,088 hours to afford to live close to where they work in New York City. Based upon the national average, a New Yorker earning the minimum wage will only earn $16,704, BEFORE TAXES. This does not even take into account other cost of other living expenses, such as food, health care, transportation, clothing, or other miscellaneous expenses. Although New York has traditionally opened its doors to “…your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”, it will not be able to provide you with affordable housing or lifestyle

Instead of New York City being the gleaming city, that was once a symbol of freedom, opportunity and the American Dream—it has slowly been evolving into a more materialistic beast—one that does not make any provisions for those beloved low wage earners who keep the city productive and growing. The average apartment in the Bronx Costs $2258, in Queens it is $3449, in Brooklyn it is $3758, and lastly, in Staten Island it is $1888 a month. The exponentially increasing cost of living outpaces any minimum wage increase.  As a result, the disparity between the rich and the poor in the city continues to expand, and the working poor cannot live a decent, simple existence within the five boroughs.  New York City is certainly representative of a melting pot of religion, culture and ethnicity, but there is not the same representation in financial capability.  It seems to have become a city of haves and have-nots, even if the have-nots consist of hard working families trying to achieve a better life.  Have we outgrown our capacity to provide a decent standard of living for our own residents? And if so, shouldn’t we be thinking of how we can ensure that each person who contributes to our city can be able to live well enough to enjoy all that it has to offer? Maybe “breathing free” has become the only thing that most people can afford in NYC.

The Links to the articles can be found here:

New York State Labor Standards

The New York Times Article

The “New” New York


The United States of America has long appealed to the plight of the immigrant—one that is so embedded in our culture that we even etched the sonnet, “The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus into the Statue of Liberty. However, the ever-dynamic New York is not the same place that immigrants flocked to in hopes of a better life. Instead, a “new” New York has emerged; one that only appeals to the extraordinarily wealthy, capable of sustaining an extravagant, grandiose lifestyle.  This is a new concept that has been engrained into my consciousness and what I found particularly interesting about Joe Salvo’s talk—the fact that he quotes statistics conflicting with this concept. He stated that the percent of foreign-born people of New York City is 37.6% of the total population—a figure that has increased substantially over the recent years. However, I thought that the percent of foreign-born people living in New York City would decrease due to the exponentially increasing cost of living in New York City. Usually, immigration is synonymous with poverty, and I always imagined it to be very difficult to immigrate to New York City. This has made me question the types of immigrants who are entering New York City, as well as consider whether they are not as impoverished as in previous generations. I would personally be interested in perhaps seeing what types of professions the immigrants to New York City have, what they earned before and after they immigrated, and in addition what is the cost of living both the country they came from and in the U.S.

NYC: The City of Immigrants


Having lived in New York City for most of my life, I didn’t expect to learn much from Mr. Salvo; surprisingly, he presented an overwhelming number of facts and figures, a lot of which I didn’t actually know. For example, though I knew that New York and Los Angeles were the two biggest cities in the country, I hadn’t realized that NYC outnumbered LA by five million people. In fact, the city is so populous that each borough can really be considered its own city. On top of that, New York was said to be continuing to grow, with an influx of more than 300,000 people over the past decade–that’s more than any other top ten cities.

It’s also interesting to note that the number of immigrants coming from other countries has dropped over the past decade–or at least, more and more people are categorizing themselves as Americans. From 1995-2000, half of all New Yorkers were from the country and the other half from outside the country. From 2007-2011, two-thirds now identify as American. This drop in immigration rate may be due to a multitude of factors, but I think the best reason would probably be due to the recession, which really hurt the U.S.’s image as the golden land of economic prosperity. Immigration peaked in the 90s, and this was probably due to the post-Cold War situation that occurred with the collapse of the USSR, leaving the US as the sole superpower of the time. This attracted a lot of immigrants, especially Russians and the like.

Now, with the “bad economy” here, I wouldn’t be surprised that there is an influx into other lucrative countries that are coming up fast (like Brasil, Russia, India, and China). However, the names ‘United States’ and ‘New York’ will always attract immigrants. It’s kind of hard to imagine how New York will be like in 2040. The data claims that there will be around 9 million people at that point, which means that the city will be even more congested than it already is. However it may be, I don’t doubt that immigrants will still constitute an important part of the population.

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