An Indian American… No, Just An American

Hello! My name is Toby Joseph, and I was born and raised in New York City. I’m not sure what I want to major in, but I’m leaning towards law, finance, or psychology.

My parents came to America from a state in India called Kerala. My dad had come here legally through the help of his sister, who was already in America. After a couple of years, my dad had married my mother, bringing her to America as well. This makes me an Indian American. However, I do not really consider myself Indian at all. Sadly, I cannot speak any of the Indian languages I should know. In addition, I do not know of, follow, or observe, any Indian traditions or holidays. I barely even eat Indian food, which is kind of pathetic for an Indian.

From this class, I hope to learn more about the controversy with affirmative action, as well as the concept of crime amongst immigrants.

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