Flying Across the Globe

On a Beach in Hainan, China

Hello,  my name is Yang Lin.  I was born in the town of Chang Le in Fuzhou, China and I immigrated here with my mom when I was 4.  As of now, I am a “permanent resident”.  It took me a long time to get my green card, especially with the difficulty of understanding legal jargon and having to go through lawyers.  I have lived in the Lower East Side/Chinatown area for as long as I have been in the states.  Growing up, I realized the difficulty in making transitions and in balancing both the American and the Chinese culture.  My dad is a very, very traditional man; so needless to say, it has been hard for me being in the middle.  But, you know, when life gives you lemons…  I speak my native language of Fuzhounese, and I picked up Mandarin and Cantonese along the way.  In high school, I volunteered to teach old immigrants English because I know the hardships with learning a new language.

To the exciting stuff!  I am an avid photographer and volleyball player.  I am currently not on any teams, but you will see me playing every day when it gets warmer.  I also dabble in basketball, ultimate, football [I love to tackle], and handball.  Also, I love to travel. Hence the International Business major.  Company-sponsored trips here I come!

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