One More Brown Guy

Hello everybody. I’m Farrukh Khan. Boys usually call me “Fark” and girls call me either Farrukh or “Farooqui.” I live in Floral Park, Queens but I was born in Pakistan and immigrated here when I was two months old. I like playing basketball and video games. I have a basketball hoop in my driveway and I own a PlayStation 3. I try to be as outgoing as I can when meeting new people. I’m not sure how well it works though.

The first thing that most people notice about me is that I’m skinny. However, I’m big in spirit. As you get to know me you will realize that I love making innuendos. I am that guy who always says “That’s what she said.” In high school I was in the film club. I love to watch movies, new or old. You’ll find that going to the movies is one of my favorite activities.

Like many other Indian/Pakistani people I’m going to become a doctor. You’re thinking, “Why did he come to Baruch?” I came here because I know that business is important no matter what you become and obviously Baruch is a good business school. Also, I love the downtown area (as opposed to uptown, where Hunter and City College are) and the cool looking vertical campus. Hopefully I will make many good friends here at Baruch and they’ll be my friends for a very long time.

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