The Difference Between Them and Us

Anna immigrated to the United States from China.  She is now 49 years old and has been in the country for approximately 25 years.  Here, she explains how she feels discriminated against because she is Chinese:

People look down on you here.  We’re Chinese people and we’re different.  […]  The white people, they look at you differently. Some of them are friendly, but no one wanted to be friends with the Chinese people.  They didn’t want us here.  Black people, too.  They make fun of us.  They say mean things.  They pick on us and they make us scared.  […]  My brother told me that life was hard here.  I didn’t believe him, but I began to saw that people do treat each other differently.  It was different from China.  No one counted on each other.  Only the immigrants stuck together, to help one another out.”

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