Gradually Integrating: 50% American

Jennifer moved to the United States from mainland China when she was 21 years old in 2002.  She has been in the United States for more than eight years now.  When asked how much she had “Americanized,” she responded:

So far, I would say half and half.  I mean, I came here for more than eight years already.  Eight years are not short.  And I worked in other states, where there are [few] people who are able to speak the same dialect as you.  There are mainly Americans.  On the other hands, some Chinese tradition and thoughts are settled in my mind still.  I do, I am a little different than people in China, since I have been trying to integrate into this culture.  […]  My family has a family day every Sunday. Even though we own a Chinese restaurant, we like to go to American restaurant.  And when the weather gets nice, we bring our kids to beach, just like the Americans.”

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