I Know What I’m Doing

Choi immigrated to the United States from Korea about 10 years ago.  She is now 46 years old.  When asked if she had experienced any form of discrimination at her workplace, she said:

Not really, because I hang out with Koreans all the time.  But there are some white girls who work there too, and they always complain about how Flushing is not America because it’s all Chinese and Korean.  And they talk among themselves behind our backs, but we all know what they’re doing.  We just don’t say anything.  Once, I was looking at the appointment book and she comes up to me and says, “You’re supposed to check the date first.  This page is for Friday” in such a condescending tone. So annoying, that b****!  I know what I’m doing, you know?  So [she suggested that] I need to learn English.”

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