Services to an Illegal Immigrant

Jennifer moved to the United States from mainland China when she was 21 years old in 2002.  She has been in the United States for more than eight years now.  When she was pregnant, she wanted to give birth to hear baby specifically in New York City:

During the period when I was pregnant, I was eligible to apply for Medicaid even though I was undocumented.  My children get free Medicaid and can be renewed every year.  One important factor was the language.  I do not speak English well.  In New York City, they offer services in different languages, and Chinese is one of the main languages.  The nurses and some doctors are able to speak Chinese.  Even if they could not, there are translators.  With Medicaid, we, the pregnant women, are able to visit doctor for free and check on our baby’s health.  It is free to give birth.”

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