The Pain of Losing a Son

Antonio, a 43-year-old Mexican man who immigrated from Mexico and has been living in America for 28 years.   At the age of 15, he decided to immigrate to the United States without his family.  When asked how his family responded to his decision to leave Mexico, he commented:

Oh, they were not happy.  [smiling]  They were not happy at all.  Can you imagine what it’s like to lose a son?  Well that is probably what my papa felt.  I mean … I know he was proud of me for wanting do something with my life but… I guess it was because I was so young?  Yeah, I guess it wasn’t the safest thing for me to be going off to another country by myself.  But I had to you know?  Am I supposed to be a farmer the rest of my life? I had a good opportunity and I didn’t think much but go for it.”

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