Insulting Distrust

Pedro, a 26-year-old male immigrant from Brazil, migrated to the United Stats at age 13. Here, he is recounts an instance when he felt that he and his girlfriend were discriminated against:

There was an incident when me and my […] girlfriend were in a store in Manhattan, central area, very high area in probably Fifth Avenue.  And the store there was pretty expensive and…we were looking around for a while, you know, really liking the things there.  We came out, we actually bought some things, and the security stopped us at the […] door and asked us for our […] receipt.  And I thought that was completely unnecessary and I told the guy […] it seemed to me the only reason they stopped us was because […] they thought we were Hispanic […] they thought we were going to steal something based on, pretty much, the way we looked.  […]  Nobody else was being asked for a receipt, nobody else was stopped at the door, and… pretty much this was completely unnecessary.”

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