Juggling Triple Citizenship

Johnny, 30, was born in Venezuela, grew up in Colombia, and moved to Queens for the first time at the age of 11.  After some back and forth, he settled in the United States at the age of 18.  He talks about the challenges of being a citizen of more than one country:

I focus a lot of my attention where I live, so I am more involved here.  I am actually concerned with what happens here because I am here.  But I am also very close, I am more close to Columbia, or my citizenship of Columbia, because that is where most of my family is from.  Ever since I was little, I was always a foreigner.  Even in Columbia, I was a foreigner.  In Venezuela, it wasn’t really that I was a foreigner, but I really wasn’t raised there, I don’t speak their accent.  Venezuelans, they view me a as foreigner.  […]  The view for me has been, even here, it’s not that different.  I always came from somewhere else.  But, I do live here and therefore I take more interest.”

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