Being Old in America

Maqbool immigrated to New York City from Pakistan when he was in his mid-sixties to be with his family.  He has been living here for about two decades now.  He talks about the advantages of being a senior in America:

I do receive Social Security checks and I have Medicaid, but that’s about it.  I live with my son, so the Social Security checks aren’t really very helpful, but it’s nice to get them.  I mean who doesn’t like free money?  [laughs]  But the Medicaid has been useful, very useful in fact.  I had a spinal disc injury a couple of years back, which affected the use of my legs.  I could still use them but it was difficult without a cane.  But thanks to Medicaid I was able to get the operation and rehabilitation, which gave me back full control of my legs.  Oh, I almost forgot Medicaid also helps to pay for my medicine.  That’s all I can remember right now.  Other than that I can’t really think of any advantages to being old.”

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