Finding Employment

Having the means to survive in a new country is foremost on the minds of many, if not all, immigrants.  No matter where they come from, immigrants understand that money matters for survival – for themselves, their family members here in New York City, and perhaps for family members back in the home country.  Many immigrants, however, are forced to take low-wage jobs that do not allow them to take advantage of their educational credentials and skills and that offer few benefits and few opportunities for upward mobility.  Others, in contrast, work with local organizations to make the best of difficult employment situations to get what they deserve and to get ahead.

Here you can learn about the different stories our interview respondents shared with us about their hopes of finding a better life in the United States, and some of the economic hardships they have had to overcome in New York City.

Click on another subcategory (Immigration ProcessLearning EnglishEncounters with DiscriminationPolitical Participation & Citizenship, or Miscellaneous) to explore other quotations about the immigration process.

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