Learning English

Many associate speaking, reading, and writing English with immigrants’ ability to integrate into the American society.  According to the 2000 General Social Survey, 75 percent of Americans agreed with the statement that “speaking English is the common national language is what unites all Americans.”  Immigrants come to the United States determined to start a new life, and they migrate here regardless of their proficiency in English.  According to The Newest New Yorkers (2004), 48 percent of the foreign born aged 5 years and over in New York City were not English proficient in 2000, and for some immigrant groups a much larger percentage lacked English language skills.  Learning English consequently is one of the biggest integration hurdles immigrants face.  As immigrants attempt to learn English, and many are determined to do so, they face discrimination, helplessness, and more.

Below you will find an assortment of quotes where individual immigrants explain their experiences with learning English.

Click on another subcategory (Immigration ProcessEncounters with DiscriminationFinding EmploymentPolitical Participation & Citizenship, or Miscellaneous) to explore other quotations about the immigration process.

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