A Relaxed New Yorker

Greetings all! My name is Peky Huang and I am a Chinese-American. Something that I am always asked is whether or not my name has a meaning, and the answer is no. It has no meaning and its origins are unkown. My parents were immigrants from China. My mom’s side of the family is from Guangzhou and my dad’s side is Toisan.

I actually found it a bit difficult to find a picture of myself to put up. 1) I am not the type to take pictures of myself because I am always the one taking pictures of everything else around me. 2) My hairstyle and look has constantly changed over the past few years, so finding a picture that accurately portrays me was hard. I guess this one will have to do.

So a little bit about me. I am a native New Yorker and I have spent all my life living in Brooklyn. I went to Stuyvesant High School thinking I would be a bio major, but changed my mind when I took AP Bio. I then decided that going Business would be the most efficient way of making money, thus I ended up in Baruch. I have been deciding between Finance, Accounting and Marketing; one of those will be my major and another will be my minor. I have now chosen to be an Accounting major, but my minor is still unknown.

I am generally a very relaxed person who likes to make jokes and have fun. When I set my mind to something however, I can get quite serious. Things I like to do include eating, sleeping, watching movies, playing basketball, and playing video games. Though I haven’t danced in a while, I plan on picking it back up sometime in the future. Something else I like to do is travel; I want to someday fill up my passport with stamps and visas from many different countries. I hope to start by exploring the fifty states of the United States. This though, is not to say that I don’t like the city. To me, New York City is truly the best place on Earth and I love it.

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