Discrimination is Natural

Daisy immigrated to the United States from India.  She is now 58 years old and has been in the country for over twenty-eight years.  She shared her thoughts on discrimination in the United States:

This is immigrant country.  People are from all parts of the world, so it’s not like one country where people are all from the same place so there is… it is… people look different from others, so that is why there is discrimination.  It is, it is natural.  […]  People come from you know… same group of people, same belong to same… they stick together.  But you know, because of your color, because of all races, because of all that, it will never change.  There are others who think they are better, that their race is better, and that [the] other race is wrong.  Discrimination never will go away.  It is natural.”

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