Oct 20 2009

Yes, Daddy!

By the time I got to the end of Glorious Appearing, I could see the appeal of it. It takes away the need for thought and responsibility. It gives the Christians and the Jews the option to be a child again, and to wholly rely on your mommy or daddy.

You aren’t held responsible because you don’t know any better. It gives the unthinking sheep a Shepard to herd them to moral slaughter. God/Jesus tells his followers what to do, so they don’t have to make decisions. They don’t have to question whether killing all these people is ethical. They don’t have to wonder if any of Carpathia’s people took the mark out of fear or to keep their families safe. Good people of other faiths still deserve to burn in the fires of hell because don’t fall completely in line. How do you tell a small child that they deserve to be killed because they were too young and too innocent to understand that they’re evil? But since God says it is right, it must be so. Since God is giving the orders, his followers have no responsibility. They are simply the knives used, not the brain that directs the action. They take no responsibility because that is God’s role as their father.

It is a tempting arrangement, which will result in the stunting of personal growth. If a person cannot grow up and question her parents, take responsibility of her own actions, learn to say no, or at least, ask why, then she remain a child her entire life.

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