How individuals work together and behave as one: Complexions Contemporary Ballet

Joshua, Kevin, and I went to Complexions Contemporary Ballet on their opening performance. Joyce Theatre is a movie theatre re-purposed as a dance space. It has been open as a space for dancers since 1982. On a cold day in November, Complexions Contemporary Ballet performed a set of dances entitled “Head Space”.

Complexions Contemporary Ballet is a dance group keen on reinventing dance by blending methods, styles and cultures. They focus on removing boundaries between the styles of each individual culture they include and amalgamating all of those styles into their work. Throughout their dances, this dance group has developed a prevalent theme of stacking their dancers one on another. Many times one individual would lift her leg up high and hold on to her partner for balance. Most of the ballet included these kinds of dance moves that required two partners to perform. The two individuals would have to function as one system to perform the quick paced yet meticulous dance. The dances also had the effect of emphasizing what freedom of thought looked like. They were purposed to stress that freedom of thought.

-Adrian, with Kevin and Joshua