Ever since, I was a child, New York City has been a source of excitement and adventure for me. I am especially fond of the memories of my father taking me to midtown in the middle of the night. When I look outside my house in Queens late at night, it’s mostly quiet, dark, and somewhat boring.  However, the atmosphere of Time’s Square is in such sharp contrast that I couldn’t help but feel completely mesmerized by the abundance of people. I remember being enamored by the lights and bustle of the city, and my young mind was perplexed by the thought of so many things occurring at a time that I’m usually asleep.

Despite, New York City’s faults, I still view being so close to this area to be an immense privilege. For some reason, whenever, I am in Manhattan I feel like I am a part of the busyness and excitement of the city.  Whether I come to the city as a student trying to get an education or as an explorer searching for something new, I have the feeling that I play a crucial role in what makes New York City what it is.

In the city, there is always new people to see, new things to do, and new places to find and that is what makes the city extremely dear to me.  There is something about New York City that provides me with an overwhelming sense of adventure; when I’m in Manhattan I’m constantly on the lookout for something crazy or unexpected to happen to me or someone around me.  Hence, when I took this picture from the top of the Rockefeller Center I thought about all the stories that were unfolding simultaneously and had the desire to somehow be everywhere in the city at once, to truly experience all the excitements and adventure abundant in New York City.

-Anthony Alston