I was born and raised in Brooklyn so I always considered myself a native New Yorker. I had pizza for every other meal and commuted to school through the subway since I was in 6th grade. At times I took it for granted how great New York was, but then I visited other cities in the U.S. I chose City College in my senior year of high school because of its convenience and what Macaulay had to offer. I never knew how enriching it would be to learn more about my city through these seminars. Upon taking this class, however, it surprised me how little I actually knew about the history of New York. I knew of the basic history of Dutch settlement, Henry Hudson and Giovanni da Verrazano’s explorations and how New York City used to be the capital of the United States but these facts didn’t even begin to scratch the surface of all that can be learned about New York. Through the variety of mediums and genres Professor Drabik provided us with I was truly able to learn about the city I have called home all my life.

This is a picture I took on the roof of Spitzer School of Architecture building on capmus at the beginning of my freshman year. I think it accurately represents how much I truly benefitted from choosing City College. I was able to see different aspects of New York City that I would’ve have come across any other way. I enjoyed going to the Museum of the City of New York and watching the Timescapes exhibit. I loved discovering the West Side Pier and definitely plan on going back as it’s so close to campus. I also appreciated reading Tale of Two Cities and getting to read about both the wonders and the complications of living in New York City. I think after taking this seminar it is safe to say that I am a genuine New Yorker.


Aishwarya Das