Map of Exhibit

Upon entering my exhibit, explorers are greeted by nature itself. The floor to ceiling windows let all the sunlight into a room that is filled with tall trees and plants. There is almost no room for the people, as if nature has taken over this part of the exhibit. There are breathtaking colorful flowers everywhere, and the sounds of birds chirping and flying are heard. This is Installation A, where people are welcomed by the most innocent and harmless form of beauty. Nature speaks for itself, so there is no opening text or message. There is a small desk hidden between the trees and plants and on the desk it simply says some main information like the open hours, the creator’s name, Ellen Stoyanov, the name of the museum, and that’s it. Here, people will check in their coats, bags, and cellphones. They should go through the exhibit with empty hands and light shoulders.

Explorers exit the lobby and continue in groups, through a small opening far to their left. They enter a long dark hallway to the right, and there, they see [1] on a wall that is hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the path. Only the artwork is lit up by a strong (safe for the artwork) light. The people must physically walk by and around the artwork to continue down the hallway and to their left, into the next dark hallway, where [2] greets them. The artwork is on a hanging wall again, and people walk around the wall and continue to the end of the dark hallway and through the opening on their right. They repeat this through the third hallway, where they observe [3]. As they walk in the next grim hallway, through the opening on the left, they walk toward [4].

When they stand in front of [4], they notice that there are three more artworks around them. They are actually standing in the middle of them. [4] and [5] are on hanging walls and [6] and [7] are on the walls of the hallway. The artwork is set up in a square and the observers end up right in the middle. Once they are done observing, the groups goes around [4] and into the next hall.

The next hallway has four pieces of art, set up in the same way as the past hall. The groups is greeted by [8] and turns to see [9], and on the hall walls are [10] and [11]. Walking past [8], turning to the left, the final hall way is massive. There is a huge hanging wall in the middle of the hallway with [12] on it. This image goes all the way up to the ceiling and in proportion, the observes seem tiny. Behind this massive hanging wall, on the facing hallway wall, there is [12], saying goodbye to the visitors.

Finally, the explorers reach another opening to their right and enter in a large room, identical to the lobby, Installation B. This time, however, the lobby is affected by drought, deforestation, pollution, and garbage. The group walks on dry dirt with cracks on it and observes cut down tree stubs. There are plastic bottles everywhere and the walls are bare, white, and tall. There are no sounds and regular artificial light.

Walking into the next room to their left, explorers mark their steps with dirt footprints and observe a large empty room, with permanent markers all over the floor. On the wall to their left, there are the words “I will…” printed on, and each person is encouraged to pick up a marker and write what they will do about the problem they have seen throughout the exhibit. They leave the markers and continue.

In the last room to the right, the group walks through Installation C where the devastating aftermath is repeated, however if explorers take a good look, they will see a small astonishingly green sprout coming out of the dry ground. As they exit outside, they are greeted by lovely members of the museum who have brought their checked in items. People do not exit from the lobby and cannot return there right away.

Map of Exhibit