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[1] Forecast The Facts Campaign — Climate Changed.

After Hurricane Sandy flooded New York, Forecast The Facts Campaign created this poster in support of those affected and as a wake up call. The change has been done and the more recent hurricanes had proved this.


[2] Dry Earth

Jacob Silberberg captures the intense dehydration of the earth near a canal, which is part of the South Chad Irrigation Project. The Sahara advances and desertification is taking over the land. Is this what nature should look like?


[3] A Boat’s Mooring

Jacob Silberberg does a fantastic job to capture a grave message with a single picture. This mooring must have been under water many years ago. Lake Chad is now 15 kilometers away from this spot and desertification has taken over. Global warming advances this process and leaves this painful image.


[4] ITALY. Rome. Italy. Rome. Prostitute. on ViA Appia Antica.

Thomas Hoepker has one sense of humor. Here we have a prostitute standing on a road in Italy, in 1984. She is educating herself on the job and keeping warm by burning some tires. Education should lead people in the right direction, away from burning tires and toward the importance of preserving our planet.


[5] Landslide Damages, Interrupted Passage

In Santa Lucia, Guano, Ecuador, landslides have become a regular obstacle due to the thawing of ice from a nearby volcano, Chimborazo. From May 2015, this has been one of the ways that our planet shows us our consequences, and student Michael Delgado does an excellent job portraying it.


[6]  KENYA. Desertification. Climate Group. 2004.

Alex Majoli uses evidence in photograph to show the effects of global warming that have reached Kenya. What was once a swamp is now a playground for elephants and birds. These are early identifiers that drought could take over this area.


[7] KENYA. Desertification. Climate Group. 2004. Elephants.

Alex Majoli captures these magnificent animals’ struggles of traveling to avoid droughts. Elephants reach the forests of Kilimanjaro and use it as their home, however this further destroys the fragile forest ecosystem. In this way, people harm both the noble elephants and the delicate forests.


[8] Trials

Patrick Brown witnesses and captures a legendary moment in history. A table is set up for a meeting led by President Mohammed Nasheed on the sea floor of Girifushi, Maldives. Government officials discuss ways to reverse our destructive actions toward global warming. Simply, the act of presidents and government officials getting into scuba gear and holding this meeting underwater shows their serious intents.


[9] Evidence

Patrick Brown documents the meeting underwater. Would President Trump join them?


[10] Consequences

Young people protest angrily against global warming in England. Tom Pilston captures the consequences for doing so. It seems like only some people see the problem while others protect the ignorant.


[11] Human Chain

300 people died after Cyclone Aila hit Bangladesh. These people are carrying mud to attempt (once again) to protect themselves from another flood. Their barrier is built with mud and has been destroyed multiple times. Their only chance is to hope and rebuild. Espen Rasmussen illustrates their struggle.


[12] Lights and Candles

Chris de Bode documents an agonizing protest. In Copenhagen, 100,000 people gathered at this rally, bringing candles and showing their empathy to the earth and the dead trees.


[13] Have a Global Warming Day!

Peace Supplies have created this sticker in attempt to transform a widely used phrase into something more relevant today.


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