Jacob-Jenkins: a puppet master in emotions

When we attended the Jacob-Jenkins event, I was pleasantly surprised to see his previous actors/actresses read his past plays. “Gloria” was the first play read the crew performed. Kendra was my favorite: she was openly cunning, deceiving, and kept me on my toes. She met up with the only other survivor after Gloria’s shooting in the office place. I love the dynamic between her and the other survivor–they both had intentions to uncover their feelings since the shooting to create their own memoir. It’s like a continuation of the office workplace: fiery competition.

The pictures above show the Baruch Performing Arts Center that hosted Brandon’s event. Another script-reading Brandon had shown us that I enjoyed was his play called “Girl”. It was three women in a club who talking about their current struggles. It perfectly described the vulnerability we have in a club to confess all of our messed-up past to strangers without any judgment. I still remember this one actress who told the two other girls that her family had a history of murders within the family and now she had to marry someone she did not love out of making peace for her family. Besides laughing uncontrollably out of dumbfoundedness, I felt a little scared in how much all of the girls revealed from their past. I felt they were more honest than with their own family and friends during that moment. These girls are like the emotions and thoughts in our heads we keep bottled up and once we release them, we’re partying in joy (of releasement), like a weight taken off our shoulders. I guess Brandon is trying to show the process in the way a human being thinks through his play “Girl”.

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