Yasumasa Morimura

This past week my class and I were able to go to the Japan Society, to see the artwork of Yasumasa Morimura. Here we encounter self portraits of Morimura, as other famous self portraits. This was his first exhibit in New York City, but Morimura is well know in Japan and Asia.
At first when I listened to the audio walk through of Morimura’s exhibit, I was confused, yet intrigued. Morimura creates self portraits of himself as other historical people, which as a concept intrigues me. The idea of putting yourself into the outfit, the situation, the mindset of another person, which Morimura does each time, is insanely complex. It’s a concept I do not think I could do myself.
When I first walked into the Japan Society, I notice the simplicity of the lobby and space. I hear the subtle fountain in the background. The area is grey stone with a modern twist. Then we are taken to the exhibit itself. Walls are covered with Morimura’s art. Pictures and paintings of him as other figures.
I will be honest and say as the day went on and on I was more and more confused. Morimura pieces were not for my taste in art. I understand the concept, but am not able to connect as a viewer, leaving me distant from the art. The short film worsened my experience in that I started believing Morimura is a wild man, rather than a true artist. Some of the scenes left me utterly confused, not knowing what just occurred.
Overall I see what the artist was trying to accomplish, but did not see myself enjoying the art. Morimura may be highly acclaimed, but I have enjoy the other artworks the class has seen much more.

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