

I was never good at drawing, or sketching or paintings. I think it’s possible to become good at those aforementioned skills but I have never committed enough time and effort to those. So I downloaded Photoshop. Photoshop, in my opinion, is an artificial way of changing colors and orientation in pictures. It definitely does not require the same artistic prowess that painters like Monet and Picasso have in painting. Yet, it is a fun hobby because you can make something out of nothing. I had Photoshop on my computer for a couple of years. I think I first downloaded when I was in eighth grade.  Not going to lie, I initially used PS for creating memes that I thought were funny at the time. Later on, into high school, I started using it to create posters for Concert Band and other clubs I was in. This summer, I decided I wanted to attempt to get good at Photoshop by teaching myself how to use all of its multifaceted tools. Instead of watching Youtube videos, on how to use the gradient tool, filters, curves etc, I explored it on my own. I decided to make an art Instagram account this past July to post what I make. Making an Instagram account gave me an incentive to make a new picture every day. It was also a way for me to cache all the pictures I have made.  I don’t really go into making any picture with a premeditated thought of what it should capture. I just mess around with the geometric shapes, hues, and saturation. It is satisfying to create something. It can be making a paper airplane or baking an apple pie from scratch. You use your mind, autonomously, to make something. And no matter how small that something is, YOU made it. I usually spend around 10 minutes making an image on Photoshop. I enjoy it when my mind speaks for itself. I want to look back at the 60+ images I have made, so far, later in life and wonder what I was thinking when I did make them. Was I thinking anything at all? They are all just sudden bursts of emotion and aesthetically pleasing, in my eyes at least. I just make pictures that I think look nice. There is high I get after finishing a photo and saving it. I just want to make pictures out of nothing. Maybe, they are all just my perceptions of the world. I don’t know.

One thought on “Photoshop

  1. I really admire your thought process into why you came to love Photoshop and appreciate its powers. The beauty of it is that it enables you to explore your imagination because there are no set directions to follow and an infinite palette of possibilities to create. I think the greatest thing about looking upon your work years from now is that you won’t necessarily remember why you created them. That’s perhaps the best thing about creating art because it’s open to so many other interpretations and fosters an analysis only fitting to a certain mindset.

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