The STEAM festival gave me a new appreciation for Macaulay

First of all, I think we can all agree that the legendary Hamad Sindhi is the GOAT ITF. This kind, intelligent, handsome, resourceful man led us to a very successful STEAM festival. Thank you, Hamad. We appreciate you.

Coming to STEAM I was worried it would be boring or corny but it was actually really cool to walk around and see other people’s projects. A lot of people came up with creative and dope stuff. One seminar 1 group drew a map that displayed their IDC journey around NYC from the last couple months and talked about each place they visited. Another seminar 1 group made a video which included dancing and instrumentals. The video was meant to be their alternate ending to Antigone. 

Seminar 3 kids had really nice projects too. Their projects were science-based. They had a lot of information on their boards about their findings and procedures. One group that I really liked talked about how much hybrid busses would help our environment. They argued that if the MTA started deploying hybrid busses rather than diesel fueled busses our air would be much cleaner and in the long term would save the MTA money. Another group talked about the future of nuclear fission and how developments in the field would change our world in 15-25 years from now. All of these groups really collected a ton of data and gave really great analysis to go with it.

It was cool to meet all these people and make some friends. It made me appreciate Macaulay more in regards to the other students, faculty, and the building. I never knew the building was 5 floors (+the basement). It’s mad nice I’m definitely gonna start coming there more often. Anyways, Macaulay is actually pretty awesome and the STEAM festival highlighted how lucky we are to be a part of this community.


One thought on “The STEAM festival gave me a new appreciation for Macaulay

  1. It was great walking around with you at STEAM and exploring all the projects. I think we agree that Hamad is the best ITF. Throughout the semester, he was understanding and was quick to respond to any problems we had with the STEAM project. I really enjoyed some of the projects we saw, especially the one on the Third Floor with the Seminar 1 students who made a booklet representing New York City art. It was great discussing the same art we saw in New York and speaking about what we liked and disliked. The most important part of that conversation was that we all agreed that we can look at iconic pieces of art and simply not like it. I am glad you find the Macaulay Building useful. It’s really a great place to meet people from other campuses, study, and even play board games. The faculty and all the ITF’s did a great job setting up the STEAM event and really using all the space Macaulay had to offer. It was great to work on STEAM together and then seeing other projects that taught us different concepts. Thank you for your new appreciation of the Macaulay building and I am sure we’ll see each other there during finals week.

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