Michael Kriak

Michael Kriak… all I can say is wow! I was so excited that Kriak came to class to share his wisdom with us. Dear Evan Hansen is one of my favorite musicals because it is such a relatable story for young high school and college students. It addresses important topics such as social anxiety disorder and how it can lead to suicide, and it points out just how far someone ( Evan) could go just to feel like they matter in the bubble they live in. To have a Tony Award-winning producer share his experiences with us is something I know that I won’t forget for a long time.

What I found most interesting about Michael is how he incorporates a passion for the arts into his day-to-day life. He started off his career in business before translating that side of him into media in the first place. Kriak graduated college as a CPA certified accountant and used his knowledge to develop major brands like Mashable as a COO and CFO before switching over to ConsenSys. As an Operations major with an interest in finance, I love that Kriak was able to incorporate his skills into an industry he cared about before finding his way into Broadway. His exposure to the media world through work allowed him to develop the connections necessary to be entrusted with such a creative role.

It was amazing to see someone be so thrilled to lead a class discussion in Macaulay seminar. We were all eager to ask questions about career paths, transitioning from one industry and job type to another, the behind the scenes of Broadway, the importance of decentralizing the Internet, and of course… blockchain! I loved learning about the arts through a business lens, and Michael’s personal narrative reminded me that there are multiple ways one can appreciate art. I look forward to developing that connection as I continue through college because I think Michael can really shed light on how I can personalize my intended Operations track.

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