A Night at the Opera

A night at the Opera watching “La Boheme” at the Lincoln Center was a very memorable one. Prior to that Monday night, I had never been to an Opera and I did not know what to expect. Upon entering, my eyes immediately went to the chandelier that dangled and glittered in the center of the building. I was captivated by how beautiful the building was from the red carpet to the gold railings and the abstract paintings on the wall, I was in awe. I definitely felt underdressed walking in, as there were people in long dresses and fancy clothing.

After walking past security and getting into our seats, I thought Professor Eversley was kidding when we should get binoculars. We were in the highest section, furthest from the stage. However, after the show started, I realized that from the view of our seats, we could see the stage as a whole, which I appreciated. I thought that the opera would be difficult to understand, especially because it is in a different language, but I found the libretto and following along with each scene to thoroughly help.

Throughout the Opera, what really caught my attention was the scenery in the back. Throughout each scene change, the background was more detailed than the last. Everything was so well put together, I was confused as to how they were able to change everything in such a short amount of time. During one of the scenes, there were at least a hundred people on that stage, including kids. I was amazed by how smoothly everything went and how intricately put together the setting was. I thought that the scenery and setting really pushed the story along and captivated the audience.

Throughout the Opera, I found myself comparing the similarities, between “La Boheme” and “Rent.” The themes of both are extremely similar in the idea of a struggle with money. Even in the name, the characters of “Rent” struggle with making ends meet and paying rent of the building they live in. Similarly in “La Boheme” the characters in the beginning talk about their struggle with money. Not only are the names of the characters, Mimi, the same, but the usage of candles and light in both are very similar. Overall, I enjoyed my experience at the Opera, as it is something that I have never done before. I would love the opportunity to go back. 

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