Album Review

Shawn Mendes by Shawn Mendes is his third studio album that was released earlier this year, on May 25th. I had supported him from the very beginning of his career back in 2013. Throughout the years as he releases albums and singles, I find myself admiring every piece of work he puts out. His powerful voice and heartwarming and relatable lyrics is what makes him so popular and loved by many. The very first time I heard his voice, I could hear the talent pouring out of his veins. The amount of passion and love he has for music is evident in every song he releases and every show he puts on. Every one of his songs provokes a strong emotion from me, and this album is no different.

Each song off Shawn Mendes is different from the other that I can listen to at any mood. There are sad songs, happy songs, shocking songs and even a few sensual songs off this album. One thing that each of the songs has in common is that they make me appreciate Mendes’ art even more. He has a way with words and writes everything in detail, using words that can reach across any person. They are so powerful that you know exactly what he was talking about and exactly what he was feeling. My favorite song on the album is “Because I Had You.” The passion and hurt in his voice made me feel the pain that he was going through and made me feel like I was the one going through heartbreak, although I had never even been heartbroken before. “Fallin’ All in You” is another song on the album that makes me want to fall in love and profess my love for my person to the world. There are so many songs that make me want to dance, make me want to fall in love, and so many songs that make me want to cry. No matter the message, no matter the mood, no matter the subject, his songs will never fail to make me feel something. This album is a great listen and I would recommend everyone to give it a try. There is a song, mood, and emotion for every occasion that can truly speak to any person.

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