The Story of a Ballerina

I have been a dancer since I was five years old. My mom took me to a dance class hoping that I would gain some flexibility and musicality. I had no idea that thirteen years later I would fall in love with the beautiful art form that is ballet. To me, ballet is not just about maintaining perfectly straight lines and executing flawless technique. While yes, having good technique is very important, what makes ballet so special to me is my ability to tell a story when I’m dancing. I can portray different characters and evoke different emotions all through the power of movement. I can tell an entire story without speaking a single word.

This past summer I had the opportunity to see Romeo and Juliet performed at Lincoln Center by the American Ballet Theatre. The story of Romeo and Juliet is such a classic and has been adapted into many movies and plays and even ballet. I was excited to see how the dancers would portray these well-known characters and bring the Shakespearean play to life. The performance did not disappoint and I was left in awe at the amount of emotion that the dancers portrayed as they told the story. The combination of Prokofiev’s powerful music and the incredible artistry of the dancers made this such a beautiful performance that left a lasting impact on me. Each dancer, from the principles to the corps de ballet, did a spectacular job in portraying their character while executing very difficult and technical moves. It was absolutely amazing to see a professional ballet production and the ability of the dancers to bring to life such a dramatic and tragic story.

Dance never fails to impress me. From classical ballet to jazz to contemporary, each style of dance brings something new. Each form of dance showcases different movements and techniques. However, despite their differences, all dance styles have something in common. They tell a story. It can be a concrete story such as Romeo and Juliet, told with characters and costumes. Or it can simply be the story of a dancer expressing his or her emotions through movement. Dance showcases the ability of the human body to create something beautiful. It can portray our feelings or send a message or can be just a way to have fun. Dance is an incredible form of art that has so much power and meaning which I find absolutely incredible.

I may never be a professional ballerina but my love for ballet will always be with me. This form of art has taught me that there is so much power in the language of dance and I can always tell a story through movement.

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