Charles White

In November, we had the opportunity to see the Charles White exhibit at the Modern Museum of Art. Upon entering the museum, we were greeted by a very knowledgeable tour guide that was able to give us insights on Charles White that one would not typically get to experience just talking into the museum. She gave us a background of Charles White and the purpose behind each of the artworks he created. Charles White is most famously known for his dedication to creating powerful images of African Americans. I could tell from the paintings that I saw at the MoMA the power he gave to African Americans in the portrayal of the images. In many of the images that he paints, he exaggerates the size of their arms to symbolize how powerful and strong they are. He hopes to shed light on the roots of African American culture. White is in the community of creative artists and activist and intends to use his skills and talents towards a greater cause.

I attached a picture below of a painting that caught my attention while we were walking through the exhibit. I notice how the arms and hands are disproportionate to the rest of the body. They are exaggerated to be much larger in size, as the arms and hands are almost as large as the man’s head. Additionally, I noticed how at the chest, you see the man “shedding” his skin and becoming even bigger and more powerful.

I learned that Charles White lived in Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles. At all these locations, he dedicates his time towards his art to promote activism through history, culture, politics and social issues. White’s paintings celebrate black culture while simultaneously bringing awareness. Although this is something that I would normally not gravitates towards at a museum, I thoroughly enjoyed learning more about the meaning behind Charles Whites’ work.

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