The Madison Square Park

Walking into the Madison Square Park in New York City, one will not only immerse in the mix sound of traffic and ringing bird-twitter, the mix smell of sandwiches and scents of trees, the mix scene of people hustling to work and walking dogs, but also immerse in the close contact with various impressive contemporary arts. The first artwork I would like to talk about in the park is a sculpture of a women body casually lying on a melting platform. The body itself is hollow and designed in a fashion to give the viewer a sense as if it is melting, while in fact the art piece is made of a hard material that painted with white. This creates a significant contrast as the material itself conveys a sense of firmness, yet the melting design, the milky white color and the posture of the women body offers a sense of gentle softness. It is this kind of seemingly contradictory yet compatible design that leaves the viewer tremendous to imagine and ponder…

The next art that will be encountered as one approaches further inside the park is another giant sculpture erected at the center of an artificial pond. With a shape of an iceberg, the sculpture is constructed with a number of metal branches embedding leaf-shape metal sheets from the lower center to the upper center. From a further perspective, it is as if a giant sea monster with white long hair. However, from a closer perspective, the sculpture looks like a blossoming tree that quietly sits at the center of the water. What’s more interesting, the sculpture forms a perfect symmetry with its reflection in the water, in this case, the integration suddenly turns it into an elegant and precious diamond rooting in the water.

The last art I would love to talk about in the park is a two-piece complementary metal wall facing against each other, like the first one, the main tone of the art is white. Nevertheless, the metal wall is distinguished from the first sculpture as it is adorned with different shades of green, which parallels the surrounding trees and grasses and forms a harmonious scene. The metal wall is intentionally designed with irregular holes so that viewers can look through the wall and spot the other side. Under the sun, the metal wall not only serves as an artwork for aesthetic purpose, but also plays a utilitarian role for allowing people to rest on and have a peaceful lunch:).

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