time to train my fatass to dance

I work at a gym on Sundays. Sundays are super slow, which means the big studio room is empty most of the time. Some days when I finish all my work fast I hide in the studio room and waste time on my phone. Sometimes when I’m feeling myself my crazy ass watches dance tutorials on YouTube and tries to imitate the moves. Holy shit I am terrible. Sometimes I’ll pull off moves pretty well, but most times I look like a nut and hope no one is watching. Anyways, point is I love dance.

I was super excited for Friday night and the festival did not disappoint, Fall for Dance was awesome. The performances were incredible and moving. Usually when I watch performances on YouTube I don’t really think of the artistic value. I’m instead just amazed by the superhuman ability of the performers. The performances we saw on Friday went beyond this and really made me feel an emotional connection with the dancers. Maybe it’s because in person we can view their expressions and their passion much louder. It made the performances a lot more entertaining and memorable.

The first two dance performances told awesome stories that made me fall in love with the dancers. Ballet Hispánico beautifully told the story of Mexican Immigrants and the struggle of belonging to two cultures. This was super relatable. There’s always a pull from both directions and in my case it’s Bangladeshi and American cultures. My favorite number was the one with the sombreros. All the dancers were totally in sync and united. It made me want to join them and support their cause because their movements were so powerful. The choreography revealed a story about their life and I could feel it.

The next two dancers Junior Cervila and Guadalupe Garcia are da goals bro. After their performance I found them on Instagram and it turns out they’re married in real life!! Their Tango brilliantly expressed their love for each other and I just felt happy for them the entire time. The live music was perfect as well. It was in perfect synergy with the dancers and made the audience want to jump out their seats and join them. Maybe just me because I’m crazy. But god damn that was mad cool. My eyes were glued to their feet and tried keeping up with all their movements.

The whole event was super dope and I’m so glad we went out. Now I know this festival goes on for 5 days every year. That’s a perfect opportunity to get 5 girlfriends/boyfriends we out 8) JK

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