The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui: A Theatrical Masterpiece

When I think of theater, I tend to imagine a large theater house with an elevated stage, intricate props, a set design and actors wearing colorful costumes. However, visiting the Classic Stage Company and seeing its performance of The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui, I realized that a theater does not need to have fancy costumes or many special effects in order to leave a lasting impact on the audience. The thought-provoking story of Arturo Ui, written by German playwright Bertolt Brecht, and the incredible work of the cast made this one of the most memorable theater experiences that I have had.

When I walked into the theater, I was surprised that there was no stage. Instead, the seats were arranged around the large room so that in the center there was an open space. Towards the back there was a large fence that separated the audience from what appeared to be the backstage area. It was an unusual setup and I was intrigued to see how the actors would use this space to bring to life Brecht’s powerful play. Going into the performance, I knew that the play tells the story of a gangster in Chicago and his rise to power as he takes control over the city’s cauliflower business. It is a direct reflection of Hitler’s rise to power in Germany, with each character having a real-life counterpart. Through its careful examination of the character of Arturo Ui and the events that led up to his rise to power, The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui leaves the audience with a powerful message that it was possible to stop Hitler’s rise and it is possible to prevent such an event from happening again.

The performance of the actors did not disappoint. They were dressed in regular clothing instead of costumes and used minimal props, but this did not deter from their stellar delivery of the characters. Each actor played their role in a way that convinced me that I was indeed witnessing a gang in Chicago, plotting a way to gain control over the Cauliflower Trust. Some actors were cast as multiple roles so at times it was a bit confusing to follow all the individual characters, but overall the cast gave an outstanding performance. I was particularly impressed how the actors were able to move all their props in perfect unison which allowed for a quick and smooth transition between each scene. Nevertheless, the most incredible performance was given by the lead actor who played Arturo Ui. When delivering his monologues, he went around the audience, making direct eye contact with us as if he were addressing us in his speech. During the final scene, he embodied the character of Arturo Ui so perfectly that he actually sounded like Hitler as he gave the last monologue. His delivery was so realistic and powerful that it gave me goosebumps. While the entire cast all gave strong, convincing performances, the lead actor really did a phenomenal job embodying the essence of Arturo Ui and his real-life counterpart.

My experience at the Classic Stage Company really changed my perception of theater. A performance is not merely about intricate set designs and costumes. What makes a theatrical performance truly memorable is a powerful story and a talented cast that is able to make this story come to life. This performance was able to do just that and even though it did not have all the elements of a traditional theatrical show, it was indeed a theatrical masterpiece.


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