While starting the movie, I didn’t know much about the film itself. I knew it was a musical and that was basically the extent of which I knew. It’s not something I would ordinarily watch on my own if I had a choice of movies: I’m more of a comedy movie person. Although a bit cheesy and had me losing focus, I was able to appreciate a movie that sheds light on the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
I knew the movie was older, but didn’t realized that the movie aired in 2005. Although it seems like 2005 was just a short while ago, the world was a lot different. The lateness of the movie itself showed in the costume choices, in which the style wouldn’t normal be seen today. This wasn’t an issue and the time itself added to the story. If the movie had taken place today, it wouldn’t nearly have had the same effect. In 2005 and in 1994, when the play that later became the movie, HIV/AIDS was a much bigger issue. The disease itself was a lot more unknown which led to its rapid spread. People were devastated by what is still today an incurable disease. As a society we are also less prone to seeing the more impoverished parts of society which RENT showed us.
HIV/AIDS is still a prominent issue in today’s society. Being a sexually transmitted disease, it is not often talked about or super well known. There’s no way to tell someone has HIV/AIDS until they are very sick, making spreading the disease a lot easier. This fact makes the movie still applicable to modern day time, although not a huge issue.
I’m not sure if I would have had the same reaction to the movie itself, had it not been for the writers taking on such a large issue that is HIV/AIDS. The movie itself was not the type of musical that had songs that I enjoyed. The characters I didn’t fall in love with, besides for the fact that I recognized one of them. Anthony Rapp who played Mark was in a movie for the tv show “Psych.” The movie was also a musical which I actually enjoyed. Besides Anthony Rapp being in the movie, there was not too much to draw me in and keep me wanting to watch. Although not my most favorite movie, it is one I can appreciate for its work with bringing awareness to an important issue.

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