Poetry is lit af

I love thinking about stuff that I suck at and challenge my creative side. I’m good with numbers and computers and other nerdy shit, but god damn poetry (and art in general) makes me so happy.  When we read “Red Wheelbarrow” in class I was like wtf is going on how could this be famous, and instantly starting giggling in the back of the room. Couple minutes in of critical thinking and I realized a dozen different interpretations. Everyone can probably receive the same poem differently because it depends on the reader’s personal experiences and thought process.

That’s what’s so cool about art. It’s a way for people to express themselves. It could be intense or soft, funny or sad, sexy or disgusting. I just absorb it anyway I feel like. And then it’s even better to hear what the rest of the class thinks. That’s what interests me most, when like someone across the room has a completely different idea of what the poem is trying to say or depict.

I like writing poems too, sometimes. I think I would love to write poems if I were heartbroken or really angry. Some sort of intense emotion that would bring distinct and powerful images to mind that I could put down onto paper. I feel like that would be good inspiration for me personally to write something nice. But it really doesn’t have to be super emotional. The stuff we wrote in class was pretty dope too. It was simple but fun to depict my most vivid memories.

I hope we keep working with poetry in the future. It was a nice experience and I’ll always keep an open mind to any form of art.