The Arts in NYC Fall 2012

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Art Around the City

October 2012

RSS New York Times Arts Section

The Met in a Hurry

Like everyone else I went to the Met this week.  I was in a hurry since I went during a break between two classes so I went to one of my favorite areas, the Greek and Roman galleries.  Again, I didn’t have a camera with me so I’ll be using pictures from the Met website in my post.

This exhibit has been in the Met since the gallery opened in 2007 so I think that most people have already seen it.  I’ve always thought that every single piece was amazing because I can’t even imagine how much effort and time each artist put into these sculptures.  There’s so much detail in each piece and it blows me away.  I like that there is one large room for the sculptures and then some smaller rooms and paths lined with art.  I’ve been to the Met a lot for homework during high school and I still love walking through the pieces.  If you haven’t walked through this exhibit yet, you really should check it out.  Its so open and big that sometimes you can just accidentally walk into the gallery.

After going into the Greek and Roman gallery, I ran to the other side of the Great Hall to quickly look at the Egyptian art.  It’s enormous and I’ve never actually seen everything there is in the exhibit because there are so many rooms and just so much art.  I love stopping by the Egyptian temple that’s surrounded by benches.  I always see people sketching parts of the temple with clip boards or just sitting down.  It’s a great place to just sit down and relax especially when the weather is nice outside.

I wanted to see the cloud exhibit during my visit but since I was short on time, I didn’t get a chance to.  Still, I hope a get a chance sometime in the future.

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