Fold it: Protein Games for the Science Community’s Muscles!

A new branch of methods of science research has emerged. The video game is being utilized heavily in gathering an abundance of data for various researches. It is the mass exposure that appeals to many scientists for gathering long term data. There are so many video gamers that it allows these research endeavors to acquire the magnitude of participation the study truly needs. The game Foldit is developed by the University of Washington’s Center for Game Science. This scientific game utilizes the puzzle solving skills of humans to search for the best possible protein combinations. This field utilizes computers to predict protein combinations. Foldit offers new prediction algorithms and protein combinations discovered by the players of the game.

Players are given disarranged proteins and they have to fold the various amino acids in the closest to perfect combination to earn a certain score to beat a level. Players are giving various abilities and items to use to solve the puzzle such as shake, wiggle, and rubber bands. Shake shakes the amino acids of the protean to find the best working arrangement. Wiggle moves the backbone to the best working arrangement. Rubber bands can tie together to objects so that when you shake or wiggle the protein those two objects will attract each other. The rubber band is useful when trying to form hydrogen bonds. Players can also play against others online in a competitive way to find the best proteins and create data for the scientists.

For the player, the game simply feels like a three-dimensional puzzle solving game. Just like any other puzzle solving game, Foldit players begin to realize various patterns of techniques in solving puzzles more efficiently. One typical technique is wiggling before shaking, moving the backbone before you move the amino acids. But this is the data that is being collected. It is used to create new algorithms for predicting the best combination, as well as discovering new protein combinations. The prediction algorithms aid computers in predicting effective proteins more efficiently. Players are also able to discover effective protein combinations that can be used to benefit human health.

I found that the game was initially quite interesting. The pay style was straightforward and the competitive aspect of the game via online added another layer to the game beyond the offline mode. However, I did begin to get bored with the game. I found myself gradually disliking to play the game as it slowly felt more like a chore. It would also get irritating how precise you have to be to find a combination to beat the level. A little move of one amino branch would cost -5 points, yet you still need 6 points to beat the level. Overall, the game is enjoyable for short periods. And it is a very effective research technique that I believe many more branches of science should utilize. Video game sites and stores should one day have a ‘citizen science’ section.

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GDE Error: Error retrieving file - if necessary turn off error checking (404:Not Found)


EteRNA is a citizen science project where people help to create synthetic RNA designs.  On their website, they state that their purpose is to “help reveal new principles for designing RNA-based switches and nanomachines — new systems for seeking and eventually controlling living cells and disease-causing viruses. By interacting with thousands of players and learning from real experimental feedback, you will be pioneering a completely new way to do science.”[1] The game starts off with the tutorial teaching you about the different RNA bases: Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Uracil (U), and Cytosine (C).  You are given the task to mutate certain bases on a molecule to try to mimic a shape given to you.

In the tutorial, you are taught different characteristics of RNA, and as the player, you use these characteristics to create a desired RNA molecule. For example, in the below screenshot, they will tell you about base pairings and different ways an entire molecule can connect. In this screenshot, the ends connected, forming a circular molecule.




In the below screenshot, circled in blue, this is the structure that needs to be recreated by mutating certain base pairs. Toward the bottom of the screen, there are varying base pairings besides the usual “A-U, C-G” pairs, and the strength of the bonds are given. The initial base structure that is given to you has all adenine bases. Combining and playing around with different pairings and mutations, you would try to create the circled structure.


After the tutorial and you have the basics, you get slightly more difficult structures and are given some restrictions. In the following puzzle, you must have a certain number of G-U pairs and G-C pairs while trying to make the structure in the first icon given.


The idea behind this entire puzzle game is to create a library of all the different patterns of pairings that could be made in order to create a specific RNA. In the above screen shot, the structure is an actual structure of a plant called arabidopsis thaliana, and users came up with a pattern in order to recreate that structure. Perhaps somewhere down the line in the game, a RNA of a virus can be created, which would give scientists different ways a virus could be surviving.

In theory, it sounds really interesting – that people who may or may not be in the field of genetics, are virtually creating synthetic RNA molecules that exist in real life. However, it is difficult to say whether or not this would be considered “real science.” For people who do not know much about genetics, this is a really easy and fun way to introduce the very basics of RNA to them. On the other hand, there is really no reasoning behind the patterns the player is picking. When I was playing the game, I was randomly choosing pairings to link parts together. I do not have the biochemistry/genetics knowledge to justify any pattern I pick.

In the about section of the game, they stated that they want users to create these molecules because for very large molecules, computers would take a very long time to run, and users are likely to find faster and better patterns [1]. However, I doubt users would play up to the point where they can get to really big molecules that would actually contribute to what the scientists need. Rather than say this is a citizen science project, I think this would be better as an educational tool to teach students the mechanisms of RNA pairings and folding.


The Cure

I played The Cure game for my citizen science assignment. The purpose of the game was to help develop our understanding of different types of cancer. To my understanding, they create games to help do studies for various cancers. Currently, they are focused on further understanding breast cancer. The way the game works, is a bunch of cards labeled with the name of genes were displayed, and a robot and I took turns in picking cards. The one with the higher score ends up winning. The scoring basis is determined based on how the genes picked are related to breast cancer.

The whole game felt very esoteric. They always gave a description of the gene, but I was not knowledgeable enough in breast cancer to make educated choices. It more so felt like I was guessing, due to the fact that I had no knowledge about breast cancer. Through random guessing however, I was able to complete all the levels, and upon its completion a few thing about this game became clear. When you were giving a score, a tree was shown on how many people had a reappearance of cancer with the gene. The more complex this tree became, the higher score you received. Even though this became apparent, it was much more difficult to actually accomplish this. This only occurred when I was very lucky or when the computer made all the right choices. Overall I felt that the experience was pretty pointless for me. On occasion it is better to have humans to a certain job, but since my knowledge about the topic is insufficient, it would be much better to have a computer running every single combination.

The game itself was very interesting due to the fact that all the results were based on actual events that occurred in humans that had breast cancer. I did feel pretty useless to their cause due to my lack of knowledge, however. Since the computer records my results and compares investigates it later it would most definitely be much more effective for them to have computers do all the matching. Since a computer would avoid repeats, it would be much more successful with this task. I would definitely make this game more available to those who have more knowledge about breast cancer. Those people would definitely be able to have greater impact in the research than the average person. Still, I am sure that they are going to make great progress in cancer research with this kind of game.




Nova Labs: Energy Challenge

For most, where one’s energy comes from is of little concern. So long as the lights turn off and on, people can rest easy. However, for the scientists working within Harvard, the MIT Energy Initiative and Goddard Space Center, it is precisely the issue of energy infrastructure and allocation that keeps them up at night. For researchers to optimize the energy production of a particular city, 4 to 5 potential energy sources must be considered along with their associated market costs, availability, carbon profile and power output. These variables are then further complicated with factors like demand, market fluctuation, and the time of day or year. The result of all these considerations are tremendously complex differential equations without analytical solutions. Computer algorithms alone simply cannot tackle the issue.

Enter the Nova Labs Energy Challenge. After registering for an account, users are presented with a goal; optimize the city’s energy needs by providing the most energy for the least total cost and carbon emissions. The difficulty of the challenge ranges from installing solar panels in Tucson, Arizona, to balancing geothermal, wind, solar and biomass together in Los Angeles.

Participants are presented with potential maps that describe the availability of various energy sources across the United States. After the city to be optimized has been selected, its current energy profile is brought up (which usually illustrates a high dependance on coal or natural gas) in conjunction with average monthly demand, peak demand, as well as a projected budget and energy production target.

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Energy Profile of Las Vegas–Click to Enlarge

Designing the system consists of moving a set of sliders, each of which corresponds to a different form of energy production. In this stage, not only is the number of solar panels, wind turbines or geothermal facilities considered, but their overall efficiency too. More efficient technologies are often orders of magnitude higher in cost. Increasing the efficiency of solar power from 12% to 13%, for example, put my project $30 million over budget. Also considered here, is the amount of land area available for development. Some cities, especially those in the southwest, have a larger area that can be lent to development, while cities on the eastern and western seaboards typically have less space for large construction projects.

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System Design–Click to Enlarge

After your system has been created, the design is put to the test with a simulator that pits your model against the city’s energy consumption patterns for the past week or year. If your design diminishes CO2 emissions, has the least total cost and produces enough energy, then your score might be placed on the leader board. Presumably, it is the leaderboard profiles that are contribute the most to the research with their en pointe optimization practices.

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System Simulation–Click to Enlarge

What is so striking about citizen science initiatives such as these is the way in which both parties, the researchers and the participants, can come away with new information. The Nova Labs Energy Challenge allows users to take a peek into policy issues and see why, exactly,  it is so very difficult to systematically apply clean energy technologies. Surely, the scientist who acquire their data will be using it for societal benefit, however, what might be even more important than the impacts of the results of this experiment is the general public awareness that the process of experimentation begets. With initiatives such as these, the fundamental challenges of energy production become more tangible. The act of budgeting resources and money, as is done on the Nova Labs website, shows us how very difficult it can be to create a cleaner tomorrow. However, with Nova Lab users crafting solutions using today’s technology and today’s market prices, it also shows us how very near a clean energy future is.

Zooniverse: Penguin Watch

The homepage of Penguin Watch.

The homepage of Penguin Watch.

Penguin Watch is a citizen science project on Zooniverse, an online citizen science website collector, where participants identify and mark penguins (adult and child) in photographs captured in remote areas.  In addition to marking penguins, participants mark eggs and other animals in the area.  The purpose of the project is to help researchers scour through the overload of image data collected from various sites so that they can then start to piece together a picture of any changes in the ecosystem.  Penguins are of importance because of their stance at the top of the food chain.  The photos come from over 50 stations monitored by the project team that take several photos a day and year round.  Thus, it is necessary to get help in gathering data about the changes in penguin population habits and growth over time.

The interface of Penguin Watch, like many other Zooniverse created websites, is designed with a user-friendly, aesthetically-pleasing design.  Once signed in (which takes two seconds to create an account), participants get a quick tutorial (around 3 minutes or less) about tagging penguins before jumping right into the project.  The object of the project is simple, click and identify adult penguins, baby penguins, eggs, and other animals.  They show you a picture and you just have to click on any penguins you see.  There is no time limit or amount you have to do, and you are welcome to return to the activity at any time.

The Variables and Issues

At first, I felt it strange to go ahead without understanding more about identifying adult penguins from adolescent penguins, or different types of penguins for that matter.  Before the project, the only distinctions I really knew about were that baby penguins have poofy, brown fur covering their bodies and as adults, they gain the sleek black and white swim tuxedoes we typically see in photos (thanks Happy Feet).  Penguin Watch designers thought of this and have implemented certain measures to counteract the general public’s lack of penguin identification knowledge.

Firstly, at the bottom of the page is a key to a) types of penguins and b) the differences between different species.  Unfortunately, there is no scale to judge the different penguins, so you don’t know if the photo is small or in relative height.  They also only provide one average shot of the penguins without listing particular characteristics to look out for or having other photos to compare to when determining which type of penguin you’re judging.  How do you know from a penguin turned around if it has the black line of the chinstrap adult penguin versus the baby?  If the photo is black and white, what am I looking for if not color?  It’s also a step not blatantly listed in the directions.

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Figure 1. Characterizing Penguins

Secondly, they check to make sure participants aren’t blindly looking at a photograph they don’t understand or doesn’t have any penguins in it at all (I have yet to come across a photo with no penguins).

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Figure 2. An example of black and white penguin photos and the first question that asks if one can see penguins in a photo.

Thirdly, they take into account the number of penguins in the photo based on if the participant was able to mark all the penguins or not.  This way, they can gauge how well the photo has been labeled.  If there’s few penguins, it’s easier to get an accurate account versus a photo with a lot of penguins.  They also darken portions of photos that are far away and contain a large mass of penguins.

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Figure 3. Are all the penguins marked?

Fourthly, they put a warning to participants about having to mark all penguins in a photo once the counter hits 30 per single category.  This step also makes it aware that you are not the only participant marking this photo, which alludes to their check to use many participants to get a more accurate count.  This also makes it apparent why participants would need to mark the penguins’ center mass to hopefully overlap with numerous other markers by other participants.  Having to only mark 30 (or more if you are so inclined) is good on an interactive stand point because once an activity becomes monotonous, people get bored and can get sloppy.  Keeping the activity changing is important, especially so participants keep going.  It’s also hard to see individual penguins when there are so many markers.  The issue may be that some penguins in more concentrated areas may be miscounted in the photo.

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Figure 5. Notification if 30 penguins are marked in a given photo.

Lastly, there’s an option to discuss or leave comments for researchers and other participants.

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Figure 6. Discussion option.

Social media is utilized by the project to spread word about their work and to excite and thank participants for donating their time and energy.  They currently have a Facebook page, Twitter handle, and Google Plus account.  Recently, they issued a competition to get as many friends liking their page as possible in order to spread awareness and interest in their project.  They also make funny posts like the following:

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Figure 7. Twitter post.

Overall Penguin Watch is a relatively simple citizen science project that is great for anyone who enjoys looking at cute penguins and doing a little eye-spy detective work.  The directions could use a bit of improvement, but overall, it seems to be a beneficial project that is liked my many participants and is easy to do.  It only takes a few minutes to complete a photo or two so people can do it on a break or in the morning (as one participant said on a Facebook post).



EyeWire is a game created to help map the brain. It is being led by scientists in the Seung Lab at MIT. It is a game that anyone can play, regardless of whether they have a scientific background or not, and people from about 145 different countries are currently involved with this Citizen Science project. The game aims to map the 3D structure of Neurons, further increasing the understanding that we have of the human brain.

Researchers at the Sebastian Seung Computational Neuroscience Lab at MIT are very aware that the human brain contains about 100 million neurons. They also know that neuroscientists aren’t sure how many different types of cells there are in the brain. The scientists believe that this is a problem that leaves us with the lack of fully being able to comprehend how cells in the brain communicate with one another and create our thought processes. So, the scientists at MIT decided to turn to crowd-sourcing in an effort to get people involved and to increase our knowledge of the mind .

The game uses a combination of algorithms, that are run by Artificial Intelligence, and tracing, that is done by people, to create an image of cells. The scientists at MIT say that they don’t just use algorithms because tracing neurons is hard for both humans and computers. Neuron branches don’t follow a certain structure. As the branches grow outward, they can get narrower or wider. The people behind EyeWire believe that one day computers will be able to map the neurons in our brains all by themselves, but that day is not close enough and we can’t just sit around until that day comes. There is a need now to explore the connectome, also known as all the connections of the human mind. The focus of EyeWire currently is on the retina, which is involved in motion processing and our vision.
In order to participate in this Citizen Science project I had to create an account. They only ask that each individual pick a username, a password and provide an e-mail. Then once my account was set up, the website guided me through a tutorial. The tutorial consisted of 5 different cells and showed me how the game worked. On the left side of my monitor, there was a 3-D cube that showed me where the branch of the neuron was. The cube is there to show me or anyone playing the game, the progress that is being made. What I understood from the tutorial, is that I am trying to get the branch of the neuron from one side of the box to the other. On the right side of my monitor, there is this gray screen. On this screen I am supposed to color parts to create the branch of the neuron that is present on the left side of my monitor. If I feel that I have messed up anywhere in the process, I can press the control key and right-click with my mouse and the part I just colored will be erased. I am providing a picture of what my screen looked like because I feel like that helps create a better visual of what my screen looks like during the game.

image-cell-reconstruction  (The red dot on the green cell is the part of the neuron branch that someone playing the game would be trying to construct.)

Since the game involves no previous knowledge of neuroscience, I know I don’t have any, scientists, engineers and the artificial intelligence of the computer are constantly checking the progress that each person is making. The scientists involved with this game are also checking the progress that each individual makes in order for them to understand more about how the retina functions. Engineers are also interested because they can take a look at the calculations that go into mapping the brain, which could bring us one step closer to creating a computer that can map the brain all by itself.

I started playing this game in late October and I can say that I see its significance. I think that sometimes people feel like they can’t contribute to ground breaking research because they don’t have the skills, but games like these show that’s not the case. I like that the people behind the game really encourage you. They have competitions regularly Friday from 2 to 4 pm, they have “happy hour.” Some of the prizes for winning a competition include the ability to level up and the possibility of naming a neuron. The researchers behind the game also want to make sure that the people in its community is being active. When I was absent from the game for about a week they emailed me with an option to join an online course on the neuroscience of vision with Sebastian Seung himself. The website also has a chat box where you can talk to other people playing the game. I have encountered pretty friendly people the times I have been on to play the game. Some people were asking for mentors who knew more about the game to help them and others were talking to each other about ways to possibly fix the program to make it more accurate. I think it was great to see people working together for a common cause. The developers of this project are doing a good job of creating a community that is friendly and encouraging. I don’t feel afraid to mess up on the website because I know there will be people there willing to explain things to me. Honestly, what’s better than making science fun for everybody?


I think the concept of EyeWire is very cool and the people behind it obviously care a great deal about it. I know I can go to EyeWire, blast some music and de-stress. What could be a better way to de-stress than to help map a human brain? It’s no watching a sunset on the beach, but it is pretty awesome.

I feel very lucky to have this project be my introduction to Citizen Science. Websites like these are helping more people get involved with science and I think that’s great. I don’t know much about the brain, just that mine must be pretty messed up, but I do know that I like seeing a purpose to the things I am doing. I think Citizen Science helps people outside of the science field see that they can make a difference in science and that science can be fun.

The EyeWire project allows us to map our brains using our brains. Let that blow your mind for a little while. *drops mic*


The Website/The Source Of My Writing:

Cities as Night

For my citizen science project I decided to participate in a project named Cities at Night. Cities at Night is a project created to archive photos taken from the International Space Station so that they can be sorted, and the photos of cities and the light given off by them can be studied and used for future research. As an avid stargazer who owns a few different telescopes, the problem of light pollution has plagued me for a long time. Living in the city during school and close to it the rest of the year causes light pollution to significantly impact the amount of observations I can make using the telescopes I have. Being so affected by light pollution cause me to want to take part in this project and make more aware of the problems connected to light pollution.


Light pollution causes more problems than you may think. The average person seems to boil down light pollution to the simple issue of not being able to see the stars at night. Although this is a huge and quite depressing problem, one that causes us not to enjoy the nature around us, this is not the only dilemma. Light pollution also causes severe complications on the ecosystem and our health making it a pressing issue that must be dealt with.


The premise of this project was very simple, look at a given picture, and then categorize it based on predetermined categories the picture may fall under.


As you can see with the picture below, the image is shown underneath the different categories. The categories you can place the picture in are: Black, City, Stars, Aurora, Astronaut, None of these, No photo, and I don’t know. When selecting City more categories are then shown.

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You first are asked to determine how much cloud cover there is with you options being: Clear, Some clouds, and Cloudy.

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Prior to this the program asks you if the image is Sharp or Blurry as seen in the next picture.

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I took part in this project for the full month of November, trying to archive some pictures at least a few times a week. The project was very easy to take part in. Simply categorizing the pictures does not require that much mental capacity so I was able to participate at random times when I might not have been feeling that intellectual. This project is also extremely accessible, solely requiring the link and a few clicks to help out. In addition to all this the project is very interesting. You are sorting through some of the coolest pictures of space and our home planet and cities from a perspective not usually looked at.


During the duration of when I was participating in the project all the pictures the site contained were successfully archived. You can continue to categorize pictures, which will wind up being the same that some already categorized but they allow this to reduce error. In addition to this there are some further steps that can be taken. The first is an application called Lost at Night where you can take the pictures marked as a city and try to help determine which city is actually being represented in the photo. After this you can access an eve further step with the Georeferencing Cities application where you associate a physical map with spatial locations to the picture. Although most of my time was spent doing the categorizing, the other tasks are just as interesting although a tad more complicated.


All of these tasks help the organization running this project measure and compare large illuminated areas. With the colors of the images the efficiency of lighting in many cities on the planet can be measured, helping us learn a ton of information on light pollution.


Overall participating in this citizen science project was very rewarding. Not only was it intriguing to look at and categorize the pictures, it felt like I was doing the planet a justice. Hopefully this study continues and brings more awareness to the issues of light pollution, but for now I will be taking my telescopes upstate to the mountains to get away from the light.


Linguistics is a citizen science project developed to “ferret out specific aspects of linguistic meaning that scientist believe are key to understanding the human language. As a participant there are various different categories, or levels. When one first begins, there is only level that one is allowed to play at. When I first began the first level was entitled “Fickle Folk”. Once a person have evaluated enough dialogue at this level said person may then move forward to “Simon says Freeze”. I was also able to participate in “Equilibrium” “A Good World” and “Philosophical Zombie Hunters”

At each level, the participant is given a fun scenario in which they role play as a person of authority meant to determine if a persons actions is punishable by a law put into play in the scenario. My personal favorite scenario to work on was “Equilibrium.” In “Equilibrium” if a person applied force to another person they were going to blow up, if that person used another object to apply force to another person, both the person applying the force and the object would blow up. The person whom the force was applied to would remain unharmed. Robots went around this world recording what was happening; however the robots couldn’t interpret what was going on. The citizen science participant’s job was to read the situation and determine who, and what was going to be blown up. Not every sentence resulted in someone blowing up.

The main importance of all the sentences you are presented with is the verb. Each level has prizes and each participant is ranked on their contribution to the research. My ranking is currently 247 out of the 8357 people who have contributed to this project. When I first began the project, the scientists were already in phase three. However, they only had about 30% of phase three completed. Now the project has completed 93% of their phase three data set. I do consider myself a contribution to this project. The overall goal of this project is to discuss how the structure of language informs our understanding of thought, with the hope that the research will lead to how people learn and think.

The creators have both a blog and a forum to thank and update participants on the information of how they are helping the community and what the research is going towards. On the blog and forum one can see a lot of the work being done with the research. I truly enjoyed this part of the seminar because I had never previously heard of citizen science project. I think its great that as a non-science major I am still able to contribute to the scientific world. I think this is something that everyone should know because the more knowledgeable scientist become the better quality of life can be provided for society.

Citizen Science: Worm Watch Lab

I will shamefully admit that citizen science was something that I wasn’t aware of until I entered this class. The concept truly intrigues me– the possibility that I could have an impact on something much larger than me without doing anything I can’t really understand– I think it’s amazing. Unfortunately, I chose a project that even if it is doing something, isn’t doing it in a way that reeled me in.

Worm Watch Lab is a citizen science program ran by the Medical Research Council. The objective is to observe thirty second videos of the nematode worm C. Elegans in order to help understanding of how the human brain works. One might ask how we are comparable to worms– they have almost as many genes as us, and they also happen to be closely related to humans. In the videos, worms are tracked to see how frequently they lay eggs, and the viewer contributes by pressing the “Z” key each time the worms lay eggs. The worms don’t lay a lot of eggs. In fact, the worms lay so few eggs that the site feels a need to warn you that you could sit through thirty to fifty videos before seeing an egg. There is also a solid chance that once an egg appears, you won’t even know, because in the videos they’re small gray blobs that are the same shade as the small gray worms.

Needless to say, this got frustrating very quickly. Still, I did learn a few things. The observations were relevant because some of the worms had chemical imbalances that parallel the human brain. The most common imbalances were of dopamine and acetylcholine. Other worms had undetermined imbalances that were said to cause them to lay abnormally large or small amounts of eggs, and some had no imbalances at all. Since the worms didn’t lay many eggs– less than ten across around fifty videos– I cannot really attest to those patterns in relation to their imbalances. However, worms with dopamine or acetylcholine imbalances were noticeably either way more or way less active than normal worms, and if any worms ever did lay eggs, it was usually them.

I think Worm Watch Lab is an interesting concept, but I wish I could have learned more. I don’t see much sense in tracking an excessive amount of worms with unknown imbalances, since that data definitely doesn’t have the potential to be significant. I also think Worm Watch Lab could benefit immensely from color video, if that’s even something that’s possible, because I’m still not sure if all of the eggs I identified were actually there and things could definitely be more distinguishable. Still, I am intrigued by the concept of citizen science and will likely contribute to other efforts in the future.

Cropland Capture

Cropland Capture as a game consists of only three buttons: your left, down, and right arrow keys. From there, you are shown rectangles of pieces of land taken from Google Earth (a related plug-in is required to play) and you have to press one of your three arrow keys to indicate whether or not it is usable cropland. According to the website’s FAQ, they are using the FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization’s definition of cropland; cropland includes “annual crops annual crops (e.g. maize, wheat) and perennial crops (such as coffee, tea, palm oil, fruit orchards, etc.)” while pastures are for livestock and forest plantation are for timber.

Though it sounds simple as a game, they are addressing a greater issue about the future. In their calculations, by 2050 our population should increase by another 2 billion – which provides a problem in how we are producing food. By making a game where people are practicing science at its simplest (bare observation), everyone can help identify potential locations for crops and even help identify the impact of climate change on Earth’s croplands.

These clips of images from Google Earth are shown to multiple players are their accuracy is based on a majority rule; if the majority of players identify the patch as viable cropland, then it is so. It is not just aerial views from Google Earth being shone, there is an abundance of photographs from specific sites themselves.

It is tricky to resist the urge to hit yes for every slightly green image that appears, but through practice, it progressively becomes quicker and easier to categorize them. Areas that look dry and brown could be categorized cropland while certain areas that are green are not. There are little details that vary from picture to picture that manage to become the deciding factor.

Through a simple task of hitting an arrow key, players are helping to contribute to the prevention of future worldwide hunger as well as advancing the relationship between the general public and science.


Ancient Lives

Participating in a citizen science project is a great way to help out researchers and be a part of the scientific community. One great project falls under the humanities and is titled “Ancient Lives.” This project is hosted by a number of organizations, including Oxford Papyrologists and Researchers, The Imaging Papyri Project, The Oxyrhynchus Papyri Project, and the Egypt Exploration Society among others. This project is designed to help researchers transcribe text from Greco-Roman Egypt to learn more about the lives of those living in ancient Greece.

The process of transcribing each damaged fragment of text is one that is extremely time consuming. The pieces that are received are covered in a series of symbols, which must be matched to the known letters. The texts may be stories, or other things that one may not think to find, like letters, receipts, or other private accounts. Analyzing these pieces allows the researcher to learn more about the lifestyle of the civilization in a thorough and effective way and further understand the culture surrounding Greco-Roman Egypt.

The quest to find these fragments has an entire history behind them. Bernard P. Grenfell and Arthur S. Hunt searched for a place to find pieces of papyrus, or papyri, and found a city named Oxyrhynchus. This city is also known as the “City of the Sharp-Nosed Fish” and is the birthplace of Papyrology. After about 10 years of searching and digging through the abandoned plot, they had 700 boxes of papyri with about 500,000 fragments. This was all brought back to Oxford where it was then deciphered and studied. This type of research still exists to this day and is vital in understanding the time period.

The actual transcription process is one that takes a lot of time and can be difficult at points. When looking at one of the fragments, one must decipher what each symbol is. Some letters are obvious and clear, but others can be difficult to transcribe. Comparing it to other letters that are provided can be helpful, but some seem to not match any of them. The process may be compared to reading a student’s messy handwritten assignment and trying to determine if the letter is an “M” or “N” or if it is an “I” or “L.”

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Trying to decode these symbols provided me with an appreciation for what people have to do in order to obtain new information and learn more about a particular society. Although this research is not one that involves one of the typical subjects that people often associate with “science”, it involves long hours of analysis just as any other research would, but from a humanities perspective.

Since the process is an extensive one, it makes sense that “Ancient Lives” was created to allow others to help analyze the data. The only doubts that may come along with this study may be whether or not to actually trust the people that are helping with this study. One could easily misread letters and thus contribute false data to the entire project, especially if that person has never transcribed ancient texts. Luckily, the University of Oxford has allowed the research to be overseen by the Egypt Exploration Society, who plans on publishing books titled “The Oxyrhynchus Papyri.” Although the research and transcription is extensive, the entire project seems very interesting and would be exciting to one day see what they discover through further analysis.

Citizen Science: Birds Near Me

After Bio Blitz ended, I never thought I would be spending any more time bird watching. But for my Citizen Science Project I made the spontaneous decision to participate in a Birds Near Me project for Citizen Science. Birds Near Me is essentially a worldwide birding map created by a birder, Gerry Shaw. The map allows for people to zoom in and select any part of the world and view the different species and abundance of birds spotted daily. Birds Near Me is available to the public for free by downloading an app on your iPhone or tablet. The app gives you free access to the abundance and diversity of birds in regions around the world, shows pictures and descriptions of the birds sighted, highlights certain nearby bird “hotspots” for bird lovers to explore, and presents you with notable and unusual bird sightings near you. The Birds Near Me Project app is powered by the website eBird, where birders all around the world actually view and record the bird sightings found on Birds Near Me.

To participate in the Birds Near Me project for Citizen Science I had to create my own account on eBird in order to record my own findings. eBird has a number of projects available for both bird experts and beginners. I chose to participate in a specific project entitled My Yard eBird. This is a year round project where participants daily record the number of bird sightings in their own backyards and log them into the eBird database, for people to look up on Birds Near Me. I myself participated in this project for a week, and each day for half an hour identified and counted the number of birds I spotted my backyard. I created a log where I identified the abundance of birds I saw and the particular species of each bird spotted.

The task itself proved to be tedious at certain points, especially since there are fewer numbers of birds flying around Brooklyn backyards in late Autumn, than in the summer. Also, because of the season the birds I spotted were often of similar, native species. In fact, the majority of birds I spotted in my backyard were either Rock Pigeons or house sparrows, species of birds commonly found in Brooklyn since probably the founding of Brooklyn. However, there were interesting moments in this Citizen Science project. After days of seeing pigeons and sparrows, it was a pleasant surprise for me to spot certain bird species like the Blue Jay or Red Cardinal. I was even able to see a v-formation of geese flying above my garden on one occasion.

Although this Citizen Science project appears simple enough, the information gathered is actually of great importance to scientists. By having a clear understanding of the abundance and diversity of bird populations, scientists can thus determine the impact birds have on the environment, and on public health. For example, with a greater understanding of bird diversity, scientists like those we studied in class, were able to predict the effects of passerine and non-passerine bird species on diseases such as the West Nile Virus. In all, participating in a Citizen Science project showed how even the smallest contributions to a large scientific task can make a difference when unified.

Link to my eBird log:

Globe at Night: Can you see the stars?

The citizen science project I participated in was the Globe at Night project. Globe at Night is a worldwide project dedicated to spreading awareness about light pollution and the problems associated with it. The project collects data points from thousands of people across the world who measure how dark the sky is at night and how many stars they can see. The darker and clearer your sky is, the more stars you can see.

Globe at Night wants to bring awareness to light pollution for a number of reasons, the two most prominent is to draw attention to our electricity consumption, and to advocate for people’s “right to starlight.” They have 8 complete datasets from 2013 to 2006 where you can see the amount of light pollution people are viewing around the world! These are huge datasets that are fantastic for research, so this is a worthwhile project.

I decided to participate in this project because I think that light pollution, especially in New York City, is a huge issue. I’m the stargazer type, I love to look at the stars at night, I even have a telescope that I often try to use. Yet, I can’t use it in the city purely because of light pollution. It’s an unfortunate reality, but I can at least help collect data so we can be smarter about how we use our lights, not just in an urban setting, but across the world as well.

What makes this project so accessible to people across the world is the format in which you participate. Everyone across the world has the night sky available to them, it’s only a matter of having an Internet connection on your phone or computer. For nine days every month you go outside at night and record your observations, here is the simple form that you fill out with your observations:

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I participated in the month of November (12th-21st) for seven out of the nine days. I went outside for about 5 minutes every night to observe the urban sky and my surroundings, which was really interesting because I started noticing a lot about my urban setting and how it effected the sky that I had never thought of before. Literally any light source around you was a cause for light pollution, even the light from vending machines! Here is an example of one of my data submissions:

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The project really made me more aware of just how light polluted New York City is. Every submission I made, whether it was cloudy or clear skies, always had the same visibility of stars. It was really disappointing to see the negative impacts of such a well-lit city right in front of your eyes.

After submitting all my data, I was curious to see data from previous Globe at Night years. I looked at the 2013 data and wasn’t too surprised at what I saw:


The lighter in color the data points, the more light pollution was observed in that area. It’s no surprise that along the east coast of the United States had the most light pollution since the east coast is so densely populated.

You can also look at 2014 data as it comes in on Google maps. I looked through that data as well and found New York City to be the most light polluted points on the map in the United States!

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The very pale yellow spot is New York City that has a Limiting Magnitude (LM) of 0. This means New York City has the lowest amount of sky visibility in the United States from the data we see on this map. The data isn’t final yet since we don’t have any data points from December, but so far this is New York City’s title.

I think this is a really worthwhile and interesting citizen science project, it’s incredibly accessible and provides huge, global databases of raw light pollution data for further research on the subject.

Also – I found my data submissions on the map!

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Reverse The Odds: Humans and Pattern Recognition for Biomarker Identification

Reverse the Odds is a colorful puzzle adventure game created by Cancer Research UK to aid Dr. Anne Kiltie and her team of researchers. This game is accessible to many people around the world since it is available for both Android and Apple devices. Reverse the Odds is a fairly simple, leisurely game that someone could pick up and play during a boring train ride or while waiting in line. Although it is quite simple and slowly paced, the point of the game is to look for patterns of specific biomarkers in cancer cells from slides of tumors provided by the researchers. The reason why this was done is because it is better to have millions of eyes looking for these patterns rather than the same few people all the time.


Biomarkers are molecules that indicate how a cell might behave or if there are molecules present and working to further allow the cancer to grow. The slides analyzed in game by all the players will help researchers learn more about cancer behavior such as how aggressive the cancer might be and/or how the cancer will respond to different treatments.

The biomarker the researchers are looking for in this game is a protein called MRE11. This protein is present in all the cells in a tumor, but some cells have more of this protein than other cells. The reason why this molecule is so important is because it is used to detect damage to the DNA that could be caused by radiotherapy. Therefore, being able to gauge how much MRE11 is in the cell will help doctors and researchers decide if it is safe to choose radiotherapy for the patient. So for researchers and doctors it is important to be able to find and recognize these molecules in order to make correct treatment decisions for patients with bladder cancer and other types of cancers, radiotherapy or surgery.

The game starts off with a girl who discovered the “Odds” as she was becoming ill. The Odds were sickly and white and she realized that the best way to help them is to give them potions that would reverse their sickly state and help restore their world (hence ‘reversing the odds’).









The game has three main screens. The first one is the map of the Odds’ World where there are different cubes. If you click on a cube you will be taken to the second screen where you analyze tumor slides. If you get the same guesses as the majority of other people in the world who have played the game you receive a potion and in the screen after that you play a puzzle game where you try to get a certain amount of Odds reverted back to their original form while trying to collect gems, etc. If you succeed you reversed the Odds in one cube area.

The game begins with the map of the Odds’ home world where you select the first flashing block and pour a potion on it to give it life again. From there begin analyzing tumor slides for the protein MRE11 in order to get more potions to reverse the Odds’ condition in a puzzle game and to finally get more blocks back to normal (not dull and plain, but filled with life instead). The photos below show how progress in analyzing the slides and winning the puzzles changes how colorful the world of the Odds becomes:

Screenshot_2014-10-28-14-16-37Screenshot_2014-10-29-09-51-48 Screenshot_2014-10-29-10-00-10The further you get the more vibrant and colorful the world gets:

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The game constantly reminds you of what to look for in each slide to identify MRE11:




Screenshot_2014-10-29-09-48-32 Screenshot_2014-10-29-09-48-41 Screenshot_2014-10-29-09-48-52 Screenshot_2014-10-29-09-51-35Below are images of the puzzle game that follows the analysis of the slides:

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The point of this game is to help researchers find and analyze tumor slides using human’s ability to recognize patterns in order to potentially help future cancer patients better choose their treatment. Despite this being a very serious subject and intended to help with cancer research, the game is quite fun and very addictive. All of you should give it a try!


Citizen Science Project: AgeGuess

AgeGuess: A citizen science project on human biological and chronological age.

AgeGuess conceptually is very simple: an online game where participants post head shots of themselves and guess the ages of each other based on those photos. It was created by two research scientists, Uli Steiner and Dusan Misevic, at the Max-Planck Odense Center on the Biodemography of Aging in Denmark. The players can upload photos from any time in their life, whether it’s 10 or 50 years ago, as long as the photos are clear, focused, and don’t include other people in the frame of the shot uploaded (the age minimum for photos is 14). Users earn points based on the accuracy of their guesses and are ranked against other users; they earn 10 points for an exact guess, 7 points if they are 1-2 years off, 5 points if they are 3-5 years off, 2 points if they are 6-10 years off, and 1 point if they are more than 10 years off. They also receive 10 points for every acceptable photo they upload. Users are encouraged to upload photos from different time periods or from deceased people to add a genetic component to the resulting data. But, the underlying purpose of the site is to create a data set for research purposes into the study of human aging that is the first of its kind. (AgeGuess)

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This type of data set is critical, because aging is obviously a problem that concerns everyone. By definition, aging is the act of getting older. The actual likelihood of dying exponentially increases as you get older—excepting infant mortality—as age is deleterious. Actually, the odds that someone will die after age thirty doubles about every 8 years until much older ages. But, aging is a poorly understood and highly variable process. Some humans seem to naturally die decades before others, and other humans appear decades younger than they actually are. Whether or not this is due to slower rates of aging is still to be determined. Biologically, we can measure age at the cellular level as well as holistically for the organism. But, bio-markers can be used to measure age not directly based on time -— perceived age as an example. (AgeGuess)

This Citizen Science project is interested in determining the difference between perceived age and chronological age, and how that difference can be used as a powerful aging bio-marker. The project researchers would like to see if the fact that every four years we gain one year of life expectancy changes perceived age over the years. Perceived age is also affected by stress or medical conditions, so this data set is also intended to discern whether the disparity between perceived age and chronological age changes over time, is genetically predisposed, or whether this disparity is more common to certain ethnic groups. They are also interested in seeing if the accuracy of perceiving age is heritable, more common to one age group, or more common in one ethnic group—as this would affect how that groups chooses sexual partners.

I really enjoyed participating in this Citizen Science project, as perceiving other people’s age is something we subconsciously do every day in our appraisals of those around us. Over the course of this last month, I did decently well on guessing ages. Although I never made an exact guess (sadly) I only have a standard deviation of 4 years on my guesses. I’m solidly in the middle of the rankings—ranked 1526 out of about 3000 participants so far. Interestingly enough, the guesses made about my age were fairly accurate, with my real age being 19 years, the average guess being 19 years, and only 3 years of variance and 2 years of standard deviation on guesses made about me. I assume that this is due to the photo I uploaded, as I am often told in person that I look at least 21—people are shocked when they find out I’m not even 20.  I think that Citizen Science projects like this one are an incredible way to harness the internet for social good and would absolutely participate in one again.

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Citizen Sort

Before participating in a citizen science project, I had absolutely no idea what it was. I thought it was going to be an extremely time consuming process, something those only really interested in science could enjoy. I was wrong. It turns out; citizen science projects are actually pretty cool. As I was finding a study to participate in, I passed by a lot of really interesting ones, from a study which seeks to understand how people classify TV theme songs to a project that maps the DNA of thousands of people in order to trace a common ancestor. Since these were either over or expensive to participate in ($40 for the DNA kit), I chose Citizen Sort.

Citizen Sort is a project created by students and staff at Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies. It was created in order to help scientists classify different species of animals, plants, and insects. When I participated, I helped classify moths, sharks, and stingrays. I did this through a modified memory game but instead of matching the same picture together, I matched pictures of organisms to the category they fit.

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For example, I would have pictures of different moths and I would have to put the moths into whatever category they fit into. This reminded me of when we used to classify rocks in my high school earth science class. It was fun and usually pretty easy. It was actually harder than I thought it would be, originally, since some of the pictures are hard to see the differences between the different organisms or place them into a specific category. I did the best matching with moths at a 90% correct level overall. Sharks, I just couldn’t get. The best score I got was 40%. It was harder to tell the difference between sharks than moths and the categories were much more specific.

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I ran into some pretty terrifying looking sharks too. Look at this guy; he’s straight out of Jurassic Park. Damn nature, you scary!

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Overall, I had a lot of fun on my project. I spent a couple hours just playing around and trying to beat my previous scores. It’s awesome that a game can actually help scientists in the real world. If the internet is good for something, this is it. It’s awesome that anyone can participate in science experiments just by playing an online game. This is a really interesting approach to studying the sciences and I think this could definitely help younger kids get interested in science and actually learn from playing games. Overall, I was very happy with my citizen science project and I hope to participate more in the future.

Play to Cure: Genes in Space

Technology and medicine have intertwined in an attempt to solve one of the world’s most perplexing diseases that has transcended time and space. In the game “Play to Cure: Genes in Space,” the DNA faults that exist in cancer are manipulated and transformed into a virtual platform to allow nonscientists and players around the world to help find a cure for cancer. Cancer has become a general term that is used to refer to a variety of specific diseases that all stem from a rapid, abnormal, and uncontrollable growth of cells. This modern epidemic affects millions of people across the globe and can be caused by the presence of incorrect sequences in DNA. Typically when a cell is damaged its next step is to eradicate itself from the body. However, in cancer cells, the damaged DNA is replicated and passed onto even more cells that begin to rapidly reproduce and become tumors. These DNA faults that allow for the demise of a cell in addition to actual data from cancer samples worldwide are converted into a digital universe in which the map of the game represents real DNA microarray data.

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The figures above depict the conversion of the DNA microarray data (the collection of microscopic DNA spots scattered throughout a solid surface) into the game’s interface. The gameplay involves setting up a route in the “route mapping section” which allows for players to help consider patterns that relate back to actual DNA faults that could be lying in plain sight.


The player then enters the realm of space and must avoid asteroids and collect element alpha while simultaneously entering octagon checkpoints throughout the game. These octagonal shaped checkpoints represent the kinks in the route originally created. Element alpha refers to the valuable of tradable item that represents actual cancer data that is analyzed by scientists but is now open to the public.

The purpose of the game is to create a way for millions of cancer samples to be analyzed efficiently and rapidly by opening up the platform to a greater audience than just scientists alone. No player needs to be well read in the division of cancer biology, and yet they can still contribute by playing the game. In essence, the poetic and ingenious underlying goal proposes a new approach to the field of science. The introduction of technology into cancer research has opened up the gates for new eyes to view old projects. Millions of people are affected by cancer and so logically speaking, the millions of samples should have millions of people analyzing them in hopes of finding a cure. Increasing the sample size of those who can provide a contribution eradicates the existing large human error that could stem from the same scientist having to look over thousands of cancer samples for hours on end with only one pair of eyes. I personally love the game and I enjoy playing it in my spare time. I have also told several of my friends and family members about it since beginning the Citizen Science project and the result is spreading the possibility of finding a cure. Overall, the conceptual theory behind the game is quite logical and the gameplay is entertaining while being productive all the while. This game is far from science fiction and yet brings light to the power that lies in combining human research and technology to allow for moving science forward.


Whale Song Project

The whale song project is an interactive study founded by Scientific American and Zooniverse. The site shows calls from both Orca and Pilot Whales. Orcas are not actually considered whales, they belong to the dolphin family. Whales and dolphins are both considered cetaceans and are closely related, but still differ in bodily structure.

Not only does the site show an image of the call, which you can click on and listen to, but shows where on the map this call was recorded. Sometimes a whale’s call is outside of the normal human hearing range, so the frequency of the calls on the site are slowed down in their frequency in order to allow humans to be able to hear them. However, this can make it difficult to truly hear similarities between the calls of different whales.

The site allows us to see spectrograms, which you can click on to hear. The point of the site is to be able to click on different spectrograms and be able to match calls of the same whale. If it is not possible to find a match, you have the ability to move on to different calls. You can find matches by looking at the spectrogram or by simply listening to the call, the combination of both allowing an easier method of matching.

The study that this is based on is trying to answer the question of when and why animals make specific calls. The communication of killer and pilot whales is still poorly understood, and the larger number of datasets showing their calls makes is difficult to interpret the behavior of the marine mammals. Tracking and interpreting their calls allow us to understand possibilities of what the calls mean as well as their movements.

I enjoyed participating in this Citizen Science Project because I find the behavior of marine mammals to be extremely interesting. I have spent much of my time learning about marine mammals and behavior, but have never gone in depth with my research on their various calls. Though I still feel that I have much to learn about what the whale’s calls actually mean and how I can interpret this data, matching the calls of different whales was an informative experience.


A link to the site can be found below:

Phylo: Turning Fun to Science

Phylo is a game project that was developed by two computer scientists: Jerome Waldispuhl and Mathieu Blanchette. Often, video games are referred to as a waste of time or a simple hobby to replace efficiency with fun. However, there is an almost unlimited amount of video game players around the world and through Phylo, these two computer scientists were able to tap into this unlimited resource and advance scientific observations. The simple game requires one to move around left or right the genome of different species and align common colors along a column. The more matches and the less empty spaces there are between blocks of genome, the higher the score.

A collection of these blocks generated by every player slowly benefits the genome study. Through Phylo, they were able to “sequence a single genome for less than a thousand dollars in a day” and thus this game is extremely money and time efficient. Through the masses’ participation with the game, long lists of different genome patters and similarities are catalogued and put into code so that the computer scientists can then program it to benefit the genome research. This information will then lead to possible ways to trouble shoot different diseases and aid in creating proteins that can potentially cure these diseases.

The beginner level starts simple, as there are only two genomes to match. As more and more layers and genes are added to the plate, it becomes much more difficult. There are several choices to consider such as how to minimize empty spaces between genomes, how to efficiently place the genome so that no changes need to be made again, and how to surpass the goal points they initially design. Once one reaches the end, the final score is shown. There is also a list of top scores with anonymous tags because this citizen science project is an anonymous contribution.

The question arises as to whether a computer designed to do these operations is a better option than opening it to the public. The benefits of having the people work on this project is that a computer who is designed to look for these patterns is hard to create and engineer. Computers do not have a natural ability to recognize patterns that humans do, and therefore creating a new program to do that is not cost efficient. Humans have this latent ability to recognize patterns. Harnessing another latent ability of humans, the need for lazy joy and procrastination, this program collects thousands of new genome correlations a day, which further progresses genome research and shows everyone a little bit more about the world.

Screen Shot 2014-12-03 at 5.58.37 PM Small screenshot of the game in play


Screen Shot 2014-10-22 at 12.57.16 PM After completion, this is the screen.

Disk Detective

“Disk Detective” may seem like a fun computer module, but it is much more than that. It is a great way to get the public engaged in astronomy by allowing people to identify disks for extrasolar planets. These disks are produced when planets form clouds of dust, debris, and rock in the shape of disks with stars in the center. The debris disks, also known as “YSO disks,” can be categorized according to their gas content and age. Astronomers have been hard at work to find these disks for the past three decades. It is tough to identify the disks because they are presented among other images that the telescope picks up, such as galaxies, nebulae, and other artifacts created by the telescope itself. Ultimately, the main goal of Disk Detective is to allow people to find planets around other stars and assist astronomers to get more sets of eyes on the debris disks data that is provided by Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), the Digitized Sky Survey (DSS), and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Disk Detective was developed by NASA and is funded by Zooniverse, whose goal is to use this program to publish scientific results as astronomers deem appropriate.

The images on Disk Detective are presented in a flipbook with “play” and “pause” buttons to control the rate at which the images are viewed from short to long wavelengths. Those images were taken from several different telescopes. They appear to be photographs of the night sky, in which the background is mostly dark, empty space, which is considered to be noise. In the images, the bright objects will appear to be white or light blue. A small white, glowing circle of light is in the center of the image. If that glowing ball of light is in the center of the red-marked circle with red crosshairs to mark the middle point, then it is a good candidate to be a debris disk. However, if the white light appears to surpass the red circle, it is not a good candidate to be a disk. Good candidates can also be white light that does not appear as a circular ball of light, but rather has diffraction marks slightly outside of the red circle. On the same screen, there is also a link to a “talk” page, in which a participant can discuss other spots that appear on the image beyond the red circle. Another interesting aspect of the program is that there is a “collect” page, which can be used to create a collection of one’s favorite images. Disk Detective allows users to comment on their own images as well as the images of other observers.

In order to determine whether the image viewed is actually a star with a disk or just debris, the SED or Spectral Energy Distribution must be analyzed, which is a plot of how bright the object is, including the infrared wavelengths shown in each of the images in the flipbook. There is a “more info on SIMBAD” link, which presents the participant with a database about astronomical objects, such as stars, planets, and galaxies. SIMBAD labels the object that the observer identified on Disk Detective to determine whether it is the disk of an extrasolar planet. However, the software does not include all of the possible objects that an image could contain. It also may be wrong when identifying one’s disk, so it is a useful resource, but not the most reliable. When identifying the images on Disk Detective, there are six options that can be chosen to classify the object seen: multiple objects on red circle, object moves off the crosshairs, extended beyond circle in WISE images, empty circle in WISE images, not round in DSS2 or 2MASS images, and none of the above/ good candidate. The program also records the identifications made in one sitting.

Although Disk Detective is a great program to get individuals more interested in astronomy, after making numerous identifications, the system does not interact with the observer. Therefore, one improvement would be to provide instant feedback after an identification has been made rather than allowing the participant to search for further information on their own. Disk Detective could hold the attention of adolescents to adults when they make their first identification, but unless they are extremely fascinated by astronomy, they would get bored because the images do not vary much. Most of the images are in the same small frame with the black sky in the background and red circle with a round ball of white light to identify as a disk. Perhaps, another improvement would be to increase the size of the screen in which disks can be identified. Therefore, more of the night sky can be seen along with other stars and debris, which may make identifying a disk even more challenging, but fulfilling for the participant. It would also be less monotonous if the images included planets and constellations that people are already familiar with in order for them to see the rest of the solar system as they classify disks. If the images are more aesthetically pleasing, this program can attract more people to participate who would not normally be interested in anything science-related. Overall, Disk Detective is a decent program for those who have background knowledge about astronomy and want to get a taste of what astronomers do for a living, but various improvements can be made in order to appeal to more individuals. The program can be found on