Hunter Peters’ Virtual Tour Experience

The virtual tour of the Museum of Modern Art was an improvement compared to actually visiting the museum in my opinion. It allowed me to look at all the exhibits through Google Street View and take as long as I wanted without worrying about it closing before I saw everything. Also without other people in there I didn’t have to worry about being in anyone else’s way and could take more time to enjoy each piece. I personally don’t really see a difference between a digital version and an actual art piece, so it didn’t lose any of its value. I also enjoyed not needing to set apart a full day to go to the museum and being able to do it from the comfort of my own home. I normally don’t go to museums outside of school projects just due to not wanting to make the trip to the city, but the virtual option gives me more incentive to take interest in arts and learn about them. In the future I’d be much more likely to take a virtual tour than an in person one. The only real issue with the street view was that it was difficult to see some the art from the spots it allowed me to move, so I had to back out of street view to see some of the pictures from the photo gallery.

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